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I did not sell my shares - Aggrey

Tue, 17 Jun 2008 Source: GNA

Accra, June 17, GNA - Mr. Richmond Aggrey, former Vice Chairman of Scancom who sued Areeba now MTN for 20 percent of the company on Tuesday rejected claims by the defence that he (Aggrey) agreed to sell his shares in Grandview Limited to Scancom Limited.

He said, he did not receive any money for the purported transfer of his shares in Grandview to Scancom Limited.

Mr. Aggrey was continuing his evidence in chief in the case in which he had sued Scancom Limited, Operators of Areeba Mobile Network now MTN for 20 percent of that company. He said assertions by the defence that he (Aggrey) agreed to transfer his shares to Scancom was not true and that the capital mentioned by the other shareholders of the company was not proper since it was meant to dilute his (Aggrey) shares in Areeba. Mr. Aggrey also insisted that Mr. Jamal Ramadan and Ahmed Mikhati both board members of Scancom were aware that he (Aggrey) had not sold his shares in Grandview to Scancom Limited. He said the plan to conceal his (Aggrey's) shares in a new company to divert the attention of the former President from Areeba was devised by Mr Ramadan, adding that the new company would be able to hide his (Aggrey) identity.

He also prayed the court to restore his 20 percent shares in Scancom and to pay to him interest on the money and all the relief that he had sought.

Mr. Aggrey, a businessman has sued Scancom Limited, operators of Areeba Mobile phone service, now MTN and Investcom Consortium Holdings S.A. of Beirut, Lebanon, majority shareholders in Areeba as well as Grandview Management of Texas, United States to claim 20 percent share of the company Case was adjourned to June 18, this month.

Source: GNA