
If the fool becomes wise, it's game over

Wed, 13 Apr 2016 Source: Tetteh, Innocent Supremo

Before we touch on the achievements of the NPP in the Volta Region, we would like to touch on some of the failures of NDC in the Volta Region. Voltarians have been loyal to the NDC for the past 24 years and we strongly believe loyalty must come with rewards.

1. NDC promised the people of Ho a railway line from Accra to Ho in 1996. Where is it?

2. NDC promised the people of Ho a sports stadium in 2008, where is it?

3. NDC promised the people of Volta Region an airport, but instead they are building an aerodrome and told their communicators to say it is an airport. Don't you think NDC is making fool out of us?

4. NDC decided to abandon the Volta Regional Library project in Ho which was started by the NPP in 2007. Is this not a sign of being insensitive?

5. NDC said they would create jobs for the youth but what do we see today in our communities? NDC does not care about Voltarians. All that they are interested in is our votes. That is all. Nothing else.

6. NDC promised the people of the Volta Region a habour at Keta. Where is it?

7. NDC promised the people of South Tongu a Sugar factory. Where is it? The world bank of NDC can't boast of a single industry, Are we only voters? Not again!

The time has come for Voltarians to stop voting for NDC because they are just using us. Mahama has sent his children abroad to school. Where are your school-going children, brothers and sisters?

Mahama has used our money to buy houses in Dubai while you are struggling to find food to eat daily. Mahama has been laughing at you by twisting his lips and jaws when saying "keke". He is just using Voltarians.

NPP did a lot for Volta Region in their 8 years in office even though the economy was so bad when they took over from Rawlings.

1. NPP is the party that brought the NHIS.

2. NPP is the party that brought School Feeding Programme.

3. NPP is the party that brought the Metro Mass Transports.

4. NPP built structures for Adidome Secondary school.

5. NPP built structures for Ho Poly.

6. NPP built structures for Ho Nurses Training College

7. NPP constructed Ho town roads.

8. NPP constructed the Tema roundabout to Aflao road.

9. NPP, through HIPC initiative, constructed facilities of all sorts for various communities in the Volta Region based on their needs assessments.

10. NPP built Keta Nurses Training College

11. NPP completed the Keta sea defense wall after NDC looted all the funds for the project.

My people, NPP actually opened up the Volta Region to other parts of the country. Under the NPP administration, Volta region saw a lot of rural electrification projects. Potable water was extended to many communities.

During NDC time, the only TV station one could tune into was GTV. It was under the NPP that we could have a choice of so many television stations to better inform us. During NDC time, the only radio station in the Volta Region was Volta Star Radio but NPP brought so many radio and FM stations along by allowing businesses to grown and investor confidence.

It is time to say NO to NDC.


Evaglomi laaa

Vote for NPP for economic growth and development.

Innocent Supremo Tetteh


Columnist: Tetteh, Innocent Supremo