
Ghanaian living in Israel indicted for spreading AIDS

Tue, 26 Aug 2003 Source: Haaretz

A citizen of Ghana living in Israel was indicted Tuesday for knowingly spreading the AIDS virus

The Tel Aviv magistrate's court indicted Chris Sarfo with spreading the virus by having unprotected sex with four women whom he did not tell that he carried the disease. Sarfo is also charged with raping a nine-year-old girl, Israel Radio reported.

The prosecution requested that

Sarfo be held in custody until the end of proceedings against him, claiming he poses a public danger due to his "unparalleled impudence" and routine lies.

Sarfo is also charged with threatening to murder one of the women with whom he allegedly had unprotected sex after she told other women who knew him that he was an AIDS carrier.

The charge notes that Sarfo was questioned in 2001 on suspicion of spreading the disease, but claims he continued having unprotected sex until he was arrested.

Source: Haaretz