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Is change ‘scary’ or ‘hopeful’?

Koku Toseafa The writer

Mon, 6 Nov 2017 Source: Koku Toseafa

Canadian 'Bogar' Dr. Clement Apaak, the crusader for J.M 2020, while I like much of your PhD in Archaeology because of its research, works that frequently focuses on ancient cultures, civilizations, local governance and political ideologies as well as how public policy is decided upon and implemented. I have to disagree on this ethics to demonstrate with your colleague’s minority members of parliament to force the Ex. President Mahama to contest for the Presidential Candidate Portfolio of the National Democratic Congress party.

In fact, any person who is a force against his wish is a civil wrong; there must have been a willful desire without consent. The Citizens Corruption Report Centre [CCC] which was headed by Dr. Clement Apaak during the term of office of the Ex. President clearly seems to be in perfect agreement with the electorate about corruption cases hanging on the neck of the Ex. President Mahama.

Take, for example, Former Attorney General, Mr. Martin Amidu has revealed that our late President Mills set up a committee to investigate the then Vice President Mahama regarding the Processes of the Acquisition of Five Aircrafts including Embraer 190 Aircraft and hanger for the Ghana Armed Forces. Well, if we mull over Mr. Amidu revelation we can infer that the late Mills lost trust in his then Vice President because of his handling of the deal.

Amazingly, Ex. President of a Socialist Party who saw it fit to buy his teenage boy over millions of US dollars a brand new, A-class Mercedes Benz Car for his birthday as recently as a month ago after being drowned in several allegations of corruption and pork barrel projects. His bleeding heart loss had since become a big blow to the NDC as a political party and almost every party member. The Minority Members of Parliament calling on Mr.Mahama to stand again as Presidential Candidate of the NDC and re-contest the 2020 election as a presidential candidate is inappropriate.

Findings from the Kwesi Botchwey Committees report which had not been communicated to party members even if they would not be made public give some recommendations and I believe is the best for fence mending and re-organization of the party. It is unclear why the haste by Dr.Apaak and Co Honorable members to force a candidate on the grassroots.

Ghana Institute of Social Democracy GISD- Pioneer Class, [NDC party School] research/organization committee did a recent survey from the Volta Region. The study looked at four different instruments analyzing voter preferences, Candidate’s integrity, Retail Campaigning, why the NPP won 17.38% from the World Bank of the party’ highest ever in our political history, and found some stark differences and I wish to put on record that their position that Mr. John Dramani Mahama is the coattails candidate for the NDC in 2020 is not only premature but divisive. I appeal to the honourable Minority Members of Parliament to remain as neutral as possible till the party elects a new leader at congress.

I also call on the National Chairman, and the National Council of Elders to issue a statement calling on Dr.Clement Apaak and friends, as a matter of urgency to desist from such utterances, as their current posture is a threat to the re-organization of the party.

Columnist: Koku Toseafa