
It will take a miracle to unseat Kwesi Nyantakyi - Araba Tagoe

Nyantakyi GFA Chair

Thu, 26 Feb 2015 Source:

A leading member of Ghana’s ruling government Araba Tagoe claims it will require a miracle for anyone to unseat Kwesi Nyantakyi as groundswell of support for the incumbent FA boss grows.

According to the Regional Women’s Organizer of the ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC) in the Western Region, the astute lawyer is the best brain available to run the affairs of the game in the West African country, at least at the moment.

She claims criticisms against the Ghanaian football leader are wide off the mark, asking others to weigh their pedigree before contesting him.

Nyantakyi has presided over nine years of success, disappointments and controversy, yet he is hugely regarded as longer odds than arkle to win a third term.

There have been massive media campaigns calculated to inflict damage on the integrity and credibility on the 49-year-old ahead of this year’s elections.

However, the powerful NDC Women’s Organiser has thrown a challenge to others to step up to challenge him, claiming they will fall on their own dagger.

“Everyday Kwesi Nyantakyi this, Kwesi Nyantakyi that. It’s not a fight. If you want to challenge him, just come out and say so,” she said

“In my view, it will take a miracle for anyone to unseat him. He is the one majority believe can do the work.

“Some of us are sick and tired of constant criticism of people without merit. My brother just be a man and challenge him. It’s as simple as that.

“Are you saying the people who voted for him are fools? They are not. It’s not good enough to shout on top of your voice. Go out there and challenge him like is done elsewhere.

Only two candidates have publicly confirmed their intentions of contesting Nyantakyi in the elections which takes place in May this year.

Former King Faisal chief executive Vincent Sowah-Odotei and Ofeibea Ramatu have declared their intentions.

It is however believed an unnamed member of the Executive Committee will throw himself into the race if nominations are opened.
