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John Mahama, Vice President and the Security Alibi

Thu, 31 Dec 2015 Source: Dabbousi, Fabi

By Fadi Dabbousi


It is quite shameful to note that plans seem to be in the NDC’s pipeline to disturb Ghanaians in more horrendous ways than can be imagined. You see, this is one party that was built on the basis of violence and carnage, but Amissah Arthur, an apology of a Vice President, had the effrontery to drabble in his filth to spew such rubbish about a security situation that would be prevalent during the time of the incoming NPP administration, 2017.

The AFRC and PNDC eras were saturated with stories of abductions, mass murders, and armed robberies. Then the warlord, JJ Rawlings decided to wear the cloak of democracy in 1992, albeit he would have shed it were it not for Bill Clinton, who admonished him to let go. JJ would have become the equivalent of Uganda’s beast, Nkurunziza.

In all the administrations of the NDC, including the current one, killings of chiefs, elders, opinion leaders and knowledgeable people have gone on. DCE’s have been beaten to pulp; Ministers chased out of events by NDC mobs. One even said that were these the days of JJ’s revolution, Asiedu Nketia would have been shot dead. And the horrific stories of mass murders and arms peddling continue to create fear and panic amongst the innocent masses who are barely surviving due to NDC’s abject poverty programme – “transmogrifying lives”.

DCOP Kofi Boakye, the brave Ghanaian Police Commander of the Ashanti Region captured a cache in the possession of an Ivorian. Another group of bandits were arrested in Lamashegu, a suburb of Tamale; yesterday, it was reported that a 10 ton truck was impounded by CEPS officials at Aflao carrying over one million bullets, coming from Togo.

All these are machinations of the NDC, make no mistake about that. Well, there are only two meanings that can be read in the insalubrious statements made by the government regarding the security of Ghana.

1. That the NDC wants to reign over a fearful nation to coerce votes for elections 2016 as they stare defeat in the face.

2. In the very likely event that they lost the elections, they would begin an underworld reign of terror to make it seems as if the government of His Excellency Nana Akufo-Addo weren’t apt enough to curtail such incidences of violence.

Now here is the mother of all shocks: The truck that was impounded with the said one million bullets was a medium sized vehicle that has a max capacity of about 12 tons. However, each bullet weighs between 20 gms and 50 gms depending on the type that it is, according to sources. This translates into a weight of between 20 tons and 50 tons. So for the benefit of the doubt let us use the law of averages and say that the load is a minimum of 30 tons. Would that truck be able to carry that much weight? It would not even be able to move, let alone travel a long distance.

The inconsistent lies that are being hurled at Ghanaians by the NDC terrorist criminals are nothing but dust in the eyes of this nation of indignant citizens. So much is at stake for them that the top notch thieves (sika die3 katasehye ne mproy3 akromfo Kankan) are waging psychological war alongside a war to impoverish the masses such that with a meagre GHs50 Ghanaians would sell their vote.

I say to Ghanaians that our votes are our dignity. Our votes are our future. Our votes are the future of our children. Do not give in to the ploys of the NDC and their conniving government. They want to use all manner of influence to remain in Power. If for a meagre 50 Ghana Cedis one could sell their vote, it means that the NDC has appraised the value of each individual. According to them no Ghanaian is worth more than GH1.04 (one Cedi and four pesewas) per month over a period of 4 years (48 months).

Let us endeavour to remain strong in our resolve to kick John Mahama and his cronies out of Power. Let us arise for mother Ghana on Election Day and vote the NDC out forever. We need to bring respect, dignity and prosperity to our nation once again.

Enough of the stealing, lynching and terrorism of the NDC.

GOD bless Ghana

#IAmForChange #AriseForChange #NanaAddoWillBePresident #VoteIncompetentMahamOut

Columnist: Dabbousi, Fabi