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Kintampo South and North to get new ginger processing centre

KGKGJ The centre if completed will have a serviced Ginger Multiplication farms for commercial cultivation

Thu, 26 Mar 2020 Source: CLGA

The ginger industry in Bono East of Ghana, received a boost with the commencement of construction works for a new ginger processing and demonstration centre for the Women, youth, and persons with disability in the Kintampo North

Municipal and Kintampo South District Assemblies to promote the ginger value chain industry.

The new centre which is under construction is a Local Economic Development initiative and co-funded by the European Union (EU) dubbed Promoting Access of Indigenous People to Decent Work and Social Protection in the Bono East Area of Ghana (PRODESOP) Project being implemented by the Centre for Local Governance Advocacy (CLGA), National Association of Local Authorities of Ghana (NALAG), Centre of Posterity Interest Organization (COPIO) and Abrono Organic farming Project (ABOFAP).

The 48 months project is expected to provide the needed infrastructure and capacities to create decent jobs and income through the ginger value chain for Women, Youth and PWDs in the area.

The Centre if completed will have a serviced Ginger Multiplication farms for the

commercial cultivation of ginger, a washing and processing facility and warehouse.

As part of the activities to expose citizen to the project there have been several community engagements which have whipped up the interest of citizens in the catchment areas.

With the final construction of the centre, the women will no more go through the laborious methods of processing the ginger but have the requisite skills and technology for processing ginger. It will also increase their production capacity to meet the demand of the local and international market.

Source: CLGA