
Kpone residents want a Fire Service Station

Ghana Service Fire File photo

Wed, 15 Jan 2020 Source:

Residents of Kpone have appealed to government to provide a Fire Service Station in the Municipality.

According to them, the fire outbreak which gutted Dortieh, a community in the Municipality, last Friday, could have been avoided if they had a local fire service station.

A local fire service would have responded quickly to the fire that gutted over 40 wooden structures which served as homes for over 50 people in Kpone, they opined.

They said the fire outbreak which started around 1600 hours, raged until 1730 hours before a fire tender arrived, too late to fight the fire which had burnt everything.

The residents said Kpone had a large urban population and hosted many industries and warehouses hence the need for fire service station to avert such calamities.

They added that the bad local roads could not facilitate the smooth mobility of the fire tender, which a point got stuck in one of the several potholes.

The Kpone residents expressed their frustration over the deteriorated roads and the continuous neglect by successive governments.

“We need Fire service in Kpone. Kpone is a big place and anything could happen to anyone at any time. We don’t always have to call the fire service from far.and wait for hours before they come and by the time they come, all our monies and things would have burnt,” Joyce Ashiagmor said.

Nii Tetteh Otu II, Paramount chief of Kpone, assured the residents that measures would be put in place to ensure that such accidents did not re occur.

He asked them to use more blocks and mortar in building since wooden houses easily caught fire.

Nii Otu II asked residents to abide by the local planning laws by not building on parcels of land earmarked for road and other public amenities.

He said development did not happen in the vacuum and so it was for the people of Kpone to change their mindset for it to take place.
