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Liberty Capital introduces "Freedom Fund"

Wed, 4 May 2011 Source: GNA

Accra, May 4, GNA - Liberty Capital Ghana Limited, a leading investme= nt company, has introduced another innovative product dubbed: 93Freedom Fund Unit Trust," which promises superior returns to retail and institutional investors in Ghana and beyond.

It is designed for and publicly offered to investors seeking to obtain exposure to a well-diversified growth investment portfolio comprising primarily of money market instruments and high quality equities on the Ghan= a stock Exchange (GSE) and the international financial markets. Liberty Capital Managing Director, Mr William Adjovu, at the launch of the new product in Accra said: 93By subscribing to Freedom Fund, Liberty Capital with a proven track record as a Fund Manager is confident of giving investors superior returns on their investments."

The company, he noted, had invested heavily to ensure that customer experience related to all aspects of the Fund, "are nothing short of stellar."

Mr Adjovu said Liberty Capital had also developed a comprehensive policy document and procedure manual for efficient operation of its collective investment scheme, including the latest and appropriate software applications.

Professor B.C. F Lokko, Board Chairman of the Company, described the Freedom Fund as a financial vehicle where an investor pools his or her savings with other investors and the whole lot is invested collectively on his or her behalf by the Liberty Capital, which is an investment advisor, and brokerage dealer in stock brokerage service, investment banking and assets management.

"Through the Freedom Fund Unit Trust, Liberty Capital is providing a professionally managed investment opportunity that caters for basic investment needs and relieves the small investors of the need to handle their own security transactions.

"You only need a small amount of money to participate in a professionally managed portfolio of investments and enjoy the same benefits as those who invest in a high priced security," Prof Lokko explained.

He said the Fund would also help parents and guardians to cover the high rocketing cost of education for their children as well as those who want to retire in dignity.

To ensure the high returns, the Fund Manager aims at investing the Scheme's assets in variety of equity securities on the GSE, equities on t= he international financial markets and stock exchanges, equities of public companies not listed on the GSE and money market instruments. Individuals, companies, societies, pension funds, churches, educational institutions and Provident Funds irrespective of nationality have the opportunity to invest in the Freedom Fund Unit Trust.

Application for the initial offer of the Fund, begun on April 29 2011 a= t GH¢0.10 per unit and would close on May 20 2011.

The minimum initial subscription is 200 units and in multiples of 100 units thereafter. A total of 1,000,000 units will be made available for purchase.

Source: GNA