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MTN Ghana Foundation is two years

Wed, 2 Dec 2009 Source: GNA

Accra, Dec 2, GNA - MTN Ghana would on Thursday, December 3, 2009 ho= ld a special night with its stakeholders to mark the second anniversary of t= he MTN Ghana Foundation, a statement in Accra said.

The statement, signed by Ms. Mawuena Adjo Dumor, Executive Director of the MTN Ghana Foundation, said the event would be used to showcase the achievements of the foundation over the last two years and also to unveil the strategy of the foundation in the coming year.

The MTN Ghana Foundation was first launched in Accra on November 23, 2007, followed by two other launches in Tamale and Sunyani. It was established as an autonomous entity with its own board of trustees and directors to manage the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) projects of MTN.

The statement quoted Ms. Dumor as saying that the foundation had made significant contributions in various communities.

"We are eager to share these achievements with our stakeholders and to further reinforce our commitment to the people of Ghana," she said. Over the last two years, the foundation had executed a number of flagship projects in the areas of health, education, economic empowerment= , as well as culture, arts and entertainment, and sports. The statement said the projects included the refurbishment of the 2n= d Floor of the Korle Bu Maternity Block, at a cost of $600,000, and the commencement of the MTN ICT Learning Centres in all 10 regions. It said the establishment of the ICT centres was currently underway i= n 10 selected districts in partnership with the UNDP. "Other projects include the construction of an Intensive Care Unit at=

the Princess Marie Louise Children's Hospital and the Academy for Educational Development Basic schools project in the Northern Region," it=

said. The statement said a six classroom block was also under construction at Sefwi Abono in the Western region adding, the foundation continued to man= age a scholarship scheme inherited from Scancom Ghana. It said about 1000 students and pupils had benefited from the scholarship package, many of whom were now working in various sectors of the economy.

Source: GNA