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Mahama calls on ordinary Ghanaians to do ....

Wed, 9 Jan 2013 Source: Nuhu, Albert

extra-ordinary things for Ghana

President John Dramani Mahama came to the swearing-in not clad in Gonjaland regalia (the Gonja-cloth) or Northern Smock or "Kutumbi", as the Gonja customary attire is called. (Even Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah in his first address to the peoples of Ghana on the eve of Ghana's Independence day at the Independence Square , eve of March 6, 1957, was wearing a Northern smock) Neither did he, President John Dramani Mahama, wrap himself in a Kente Cloth. He came in simple white Calico, sewn into the attire of the common person, the ordinary person on the streets of Ghana. He came in simple white calico to symbolize that he is NOT the President of Gonjaland people or smock wearing natives of the North, nor is he the President of kente wrapping indigenous peoples of the Ashanti and the South, nor is he a President for NDC. He dressed in simple white calico, all wrapped up except his black big head, to send a message of neutrality to tribe, ethnic group, sectarianism, and political affiliations. He came in white calico to signify an open mind, purity of heart, and above all to inform Ghana and the World that he is the President for all Ghanaians.

President Mahama talked frankly and openly to Ghanaians, inviting all Ghanaians to join in the conversation to build Ghana. He called on the youth and pointedly informed them that the torch has been passed to the new generation of Ghana Leaders, and there is no going back. He called on the down and trodden not to give up, because he will work for them. He called on the “ordinary” and informed them that he feels their pain and frustrations AND HE WILL WORK WITH THEM AND FOR THEM. He called on Ghanaians to know that Ghana belongs to all and there is opportunity for all and he will level the playing field; he being the biggest example of the sense of equality, freedom and justice for all and the abundance of opportunities that no one can deny any Ghanaian.

Folks, what a call to duty on all Ghanaians! President Kennedy asked Americans not to demand what their country can do for them but to demand what they can offer their country. President John Mahama taught a history class and pointed out how an "ordinary" peasant farmer by the name of Teteh Kwashie brought a few seeds of cocoa from Equatorial Guinea to plant on a plot at Ashanti Mampong, and changed the landscape of Ghana and gave Ghana its most profitable export crop for years. He talked about an "ordinary" teacher from Nkroful, who stowed away to America for education, by the name of Kofi Nwia "Kwame Nkrumah", and became the greatest strategist and fierce fighter of colonialism on the Continent of Africa.

President John Mahama summed up his history lesson by calling and urging on "ordinary" Ghanaians to step up to their potential, not to feel ordinary and resigned to nothing, but to rise up to do the extra-ordinary for Ghana. That was a powerful message.

No Ghanaian has the excuse to sit on the fence, because all of us, including the “kaya kaya”, have an ally at the Flagstaff House in President Mahama. He has called on small business and potential small business and anticipatory small business to count on him as an ally. No wonder, the US delegation was led by the CEO of a major corporation, because President Mahama is not only an ally of small BUSINESS, BUT HE IS 100% PRO BUSINESS. (By the way, I am for the rural commune)

President Mahama has called on the cynics to come forward with alternate solutions instead, and not try to drag the country into chaos and confusion. He acknowledges the positive energy they supple and the motivational attitudes they promote for the brave and pessimistic individuals in Ghana. However, he admonishes them and asks them to refrain from negativity and advance constructive criticisms.

My only disappointment during the ceremony is in the commentators of Joy TV (Most of us in the US watched the celebrations on Joy TV on our laptops and PCs) Some Ziblim Iddi buffoon and his NPP obstructionists could not discern anything from President Mahama's speech. They distorted the speech, despite the consistent effort of the Joy TV moderator to knock sense into their rotten heads. Those are the cynics President Mahama rightly cautioned all Ghanaians not to keep company with or even let into the driveway or play grounds. They are poisonous, sore losers and enemies of progress for Ghanaians.

Folks, the war have been won, now the battle to construct, move forward and dream of a progressive shining Ghana on the hill has begun. God Bless Ghana. Dee

Columnist: Nuhu, Albert