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Minister assures business community of adequate security

Tue, 2 Jun 2009 Source: GNA

Accra, June 2, GNA - Mr Cletus Avoka, Minister of the Interior, on Tuesday assured the business community, particularly foreign investors, that government has put in place adequate measures to deal appropriately with the current spate of armed robbery targeted at them.

A statement signed by Nana Akrasi Sarpong, Public Relations Officer of the Ministry, said the government had a responsibility for the maintenance of internal peace and security and as a result a joint Police and Military operation dubbed: "Operation Calm Life" had been put in place to deal with the recent spate of armed robbery.

"Government will not sit down idle and watch armed robbers terrorise the business community who contribute immensely to the socio-economic development of our dear country," Mr Avoka said. This harassment, the Minister reiterated, would invariably prevent investors from doing business in Ghana.

Mr Avoka made the statement when the Lebanese Ambassador to Ghana, Mr Hassan Berro, paid a courtesy call on him at his office. The Minister assured the business community that every effort would be made to maintain peace and security which is a panacea for investment.

He welcomed the support that the Lebanese community resident in Ghana were giving to the police, and said this would go a long way to enhance the operational efficiency of the police. The Lebanese Ambassador said the Lebanese community was willing to invest in Ghana but its fears were lack of security and justice. Mr Berro said Ghana-Lebanese relations, dated back to more than a century culminating in inter-marriages among people from the two countries. He expressed optimism that the "Better Ghana" agenda of the National Democratic Congress, would be pursued to ensure that Ghana become better not only for Ghanaians but also the foreign business community.

Source: GNA