
Ministry extends sitting for Dansoman shooting incident Committee

Fri, 4 Aug 2006 Source: GNA

Accra, Aug. 4, GNA - The Ministry of the Interior has granted a request by the committee investigating the Dansoman shooting incident for an extension of time to complete its work.

A statement signed by Mr G.P. Ansah, Acting Chief Director, said the Committee asked for the extension following the death of Nana Gyeke Darko, counsel for one of the families. He died during the Committee's sitting on June 25.

It said the Committee suspended its sittings with the concurrence of the families concerned as a sign of respect as well as to allow for tensions to be defused.

The statement said the difficulty of tracing witnesses with vital information also resulted in a delay.

It said the Committee had promised to speed up its proceedings to enable it to submit its report soon.

"The Ministry of the interior wishes to assure the general public that it will give every support to the committee to enable it to complete its work in the shortest possible time."

Source: GNA