
Murder of labourer in Takoradi: Court strikes out case over jurisdictional issues

Hammer JudgeThe seven accused persons have been jointly charged with conspiracy to commit the crime of murder

Wed, 12 Jun 2024 Source: GNA

A Kaneshie District Court has struck out a case in which seven persons were charged for their alleged involvement in the murder of a labourer, Robert Eshun, also known as Kojo Pete, in Takoradi.

The court cited jurisdictional issues and discharged three of the seven accused persons arraigned. Those discharged are Benjamin Appiah, also known as Kofi Bakado; Joseph Arthur, also known as Opanyin Yena; and Christian Acquah.

Four others, said to be at large, are Anthony Cudjoe, also known as Kuffour; Ekow Shadow; Benjamin Aggrey; and Evans Naku.

The seven accused persons have been jointly charged with conspiracy to commit the crime of murder.

Two of the seven accused persons have been charged with murder: Benjamin Kofi Appiah, a mason, and Joseph Arthur, also known as Opanyin Yena, a fisherman.

Soon after the court discharged the accused persons, the police re-arrested them on the court premises.

The prosecution's case is that the deceased, Robert Eshun, also known as Kojo Pete, was a labourer at a block factory in Takoradi and lived in Butumagyebu, a suburb of Sekondi.

On July 7, 2023, while the deceased was passing by the block factory of suspect Joseph Arthur, he was apprehended by suspect Ekow Shadow, now at large, who was wielding a cutlass on suspicion that he was a thief.

The prosecution stated that Ekow Shadow, with the assistance of Benjamin Appiah, stopped the deceased while Ekow Shadow made phone calls to Aggrey and Naku, both at large, to come to the scene.

Aggrey and Naku rushed to the scene with a club and a long hard leather whip, respectively, and subjected the deceased to severe beatings.

The prosecution said Appiah made a phone call to Joseph Arthur through someone and informed him about the arrest of the deceased.

Joseph Arthur rushed to the scene barefooted with canes and joined Appiah, Shadow, Naku, and Aggrey in allegedly beating the deceased.

The prosecution stated that Evans Naku allegedly used a cutlass he took from suspect Ekow Shadow to strip the deceased naked for others to lash him on the back with various objects they were holding.

According to the prosecution, Christian Acquah and Anthony Cudjoe, both at large, later joined the five and they continued beating the deceased.

The accused persons placed the deceased in a supine position and Joseph Arthur allegedly stepped on his chest several times.

The deceased was later dragged to a roadside where Shadow, Appiah, Aggrey, and Evans Naku held him, and Joseph Arthur allegedly used a cutlass to shave part of the hair on the deceased's head.

The deceased became unconscious, and they dragged him back and left him in front of the factory, after which they all ran away from the scene, the court heard.

The prosecution said the deceased's body was conveyed to Efia Nkwanta Hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

It said through intelligence, Benjamin Appiah was arrested at Bakado after he went into hiding following the act.

Arthur and Christian Acquah were also arrested.

The prosecution said the investigation was still underway.

Source: GNA