
NDC China Congratulates Ghanaian Farmers

Fri, 26 Nov 2010 Source: Mensah

The National Democratic Congress members in China want to use this opportunity to appreciate and congratulate all our hard working Ghanaian farmers and fishermen, as the country prepares to celebrate this year’s 26th National Farmers Day under the theme “Grow more food”.

The theme for this year’s celebration ‘Grow more food’ is appropriate and could not have come at a better time than this. The only way to ensure food security in the country is to empower farmers with the needed agricultural implements to enable them to grow more food to feed the citizenry. Achieving food security in its totality continuous to be a challenge not only for the developing nations like Ghana, but also for the developed world. That is why it is imperative to commend the Ministry of Food and Agriculture as well as the Government for choosing the theme ‘Grow more food’ to drive home the need for farmers to produce more food to meet the demands of the people of Ghana.

The critical role being played by our hard working farmers and fishermen in ensuring food security for the nation’s growing population as well as contributing greatly to the export sector of the economy is highly commendable and worth celebrating.

Farmers’ day is in recognition of the valuable contribution of the nation’s farmers, fishermen and other stakeholders in the agricultural sector to national development.

Since its inception in 1988, the first Friday of every December has been set aside by the Ghanaian government as National Farmers Day. Farmer’s Day was conceived as a day’s activity, for the nation to honor its hard working farmers who work in difficult situations and have excelled in their contribution to improve the agriculture sector for national development, with certificates and prizes.

The NDC China further want to acknowledge all previous governments for the role they have played over the years in the agriculture sector ,especially the notable role of the Former President Jerry Rawlings and the Founder of the NDC , who was instrumental in initiating key agriculture reforms under his able leadership. The concept of Farmers Day was one of such reforms which led, ultimately to Rawlings being jointly awarded the 1993 World Hunger Award for empowering poor rural farmers toward self-sufficiency and the sustainable end of hunger.

The farmers’ and fishermen who will be awarded in this year’s celebration must know that these awards put on them a greater responsibility to do more to ensure that this year’s theme ‘Grow more food’ becomes a reality. It’s our expectation that your exploits and achievements would be an inspiration for others.

The NDC government led by H.E Prof. Mills must be commended for its commitment to improving food security in the country, especially in the aftermath of the global recession and the recent food crisis. It must also be added, that the stronger commitment by the government to see to it that agriculture should not only be about the production of food for people but to create industrial string by providing raw materials both for manufacturing and for export, should be appreciated and applauded by all Ghanaians.

The NDC China strongly supports the government’s comprehensive strategy to revolutionalise and accelerate the modernization of agriculture in Ghana which will substantially boost food production and make the country self-sufficient in food production. This will inevitably led to the achievement of the NDC’s Better Ghana Agenda.

On this great occasion, the NDC China would like to reiterate to the Ghanaian youth to take advantage of the government’s Youth in Agriculture programme, to enable them explore the enormous employment opportunities it offers.

As we prepare to celebrate this year’s Farmers’ Day, we want all Ghanaians irrespective of political affiliation to support the government as it addresses the numerous challenges in the agricultural sector.

The NDC China want to call on all Ghanaians to take time to show a sign of gratitude to farmers and fishermen for the hard work they put into providing food daily for the nation under harsh conditions.

We wish all Ghanaians and the award winners a Happy Farmers Day celebration.

Once again, ayekoo, to you the hard working Ghanaian farmers.

Ghana akuafo ye ma mo ayekoo.

Long live Ghana and long live the Ghanaian farmer.


Isaac K. Mensah

Interim Deputy Sec/Organizer, NDC China.

Email: :

26th November, 2010.

Source: Mensah