
NDC "Concerned Group" calls on Rawlings

Wed, 13 Jul 2011 Source: GNA

Accra, July 13, GNA - A group of concerned National Democratic Congress (NDC) supporters led by Ashanti Regional Secretary, Mr Joseph Yammin, on Tuesday called on the former President and Founder of the NDC, Flt Lt Jerry Rawlings at his Ridge office.

The group, which included Brogya Genfi, spokesperson for NDC youth in Ashanti, and Mohammed Uthman, member of the Ashanti Regional Youth Working Committee, said they called on the former President because of 93disturbing rumours" that he was leaving the party in the aftermath of the Sunyani congress.

In a statement issued to the GNA on Wednesday, the group said: "We spent time discussing the acts of irregularity and intimidation calculated to create a comfortable passageway for one candidate at the expense of the other.

"We spoke about the deliberate locking of the core supporters of the party out of the congress grounds even though there was enough space to accommodate the supporters who had nominated delegates to vote on their behalf.

"In the end only delegates were allowed in while there was a huge presence of heavily armed military, police and plain-clothed security personnel within and outside the congress grounds creating an atmosphere of fear.

"What is worrying is how Ministers, Ambassadors and other government appointees tele-guided the delegates and other observers to ignore the former President and Nana Konadu when they arrived at the congress grounds.

"As if that was not enough they also took turns to hoot at the candidate when she was on the floor delivering her speech." According to the group, those actions were offensive and obscene. "We appreciate the fact that during elections a lot of hot words are exchanged, but when the entire government machinery is commandeered to publicly abuse the Founder of the party and his wife and create the impression that they have no relevance in the party, very dangerous chords are touched."

The group said they impressed on Former President Rawlings to stay in the party and continue to be critical of political developments, as he had always done.

"Jerry Rawlings is the talisman of the NDC and we will continue to work with him to save the party from detractors within and without," they said.

The statement said the former President was 93very receptive" to their concerns and expressed his gratitude for their efforts.

Source: GNA