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NDC trains 93 polling agents for bye-election

Fri, 27 Sep 2002 Source: .

Mr Samuel Ofosu-Ampofo, National Organiser of the National Democracy Congress (NDC) has told the party’s polling agents for the Kumawu constituency parliamentary bye-election to be vigilant to prevent malpractices.

He asked them to call attention to all forms of irregularities and expose to the Presiding Officers those who would attempt to engage in multiple voting. Mr Ofosu-Ampofo was addressing the opening of a one-day training workshop for 93 polling agents of the NDC at Kumawu on Wednesday.

He reminded them that together with the election officers they are responsible for ensuring that the election was conducted according to the rules. "You must therefore, carry out your duties with absolute honesty and integrity.

If you have an objection to make against any person in relation to the election, do so through the Presiding Officer.” Mr Bede Ziedeng, Deputy General Secretary of the NDC, called on political parties contesting the bye-election to observe responsible conduct to make the polls clean and transparent.

Source: .