
NPP-USA Strongly Supports “Sir John.”

Sat, 15 Jan 2011 Source: NPP-USA

In a vain and shameful attempt to divert attention from the two year

anniversary of their confused, inept, and chaotic administration, the

deceiving NDC has solicited the aid of “The Lens,” a truth-bankrupt

newspaper, to spread lies about the NPP. In a lie-laden feature not uncommon

in that rag, allegations were leveled against NPP-UK and Ireland as calling

for the removal of NPP General Secretary Kwadwo-Afriyie, popularly known as

“Sir John.” The UK/Ireland Branch of the NPP has consequently issued a

statement denying the allegations and called on The Lens to either produce

its claimed evidence, or retract the story.

NPP-USA would like to take this opportunity to re-state its full and

unwavering support for “Sir John” as our party’s General Secretary. “Sir

John” comes into the pivotal position with a practical understanding of how

to combat the campaign of lies and innuendos that the deceiving NDC has been

unleashing since its inception. NPP-USA wishes to put on record that Mr.

Kwadwo Owusu-Afriyie is a well educated, very intelligent, civil, and God

fearing man. Although he is a highly trained lawyer, his ability to

momentarily depart from his normally eloquent delivery and adjust his stance

in order to wage a battle-in-the-mud with the deceiving NDC and give them a

measurable ‘taste of their own unsavory medicine’ is wrecking untold havoc

to NDC’s politics of bare faced lies, deceit and gross misrepresentation.

It is hypocritical that the NDC party that claims to be a party for the

“common man” always resorts to using derogatory remarks to describe people

who chose to communicate in a language that the ordinary person would

understand. Instead of admiring the linguistic prowess of Mr. Owusu Afriyie

for his ability to speak Twi as flawlessly as he does English, the NDC has

variously described him as uncultured. In fact through its vociferous,

uncultured spokesperson Kobby Acheampong the NDC has described all people

from cocoa growing areas as primitive. Just recently another NDC deputy

minister has demeaned taxi drivers as unfit for ministerial appointments,

and that such appointments can only happen in an NPP administration. Even

tongue-speaking Christians were not spared as NDC’s Tony Aidoo has called

them “crazy.” This penchant for name-calling by agents of the NDC reflects a

lack of sophistication needed to debate the issues.

Until the arrival of “Sir John,” the NPP could be counted upon to react to

NDC’s incessant and relentless trumped up lies and deception machinery

unleashed to replace truth with responses that, while intellectually sound

and accurate, would probably be effective in the courtrooms but may miss the

mark in Main Street. It comes as no surprise, therefore, that an NPP General

Secretary who appears willing to respond in kind to the deceiving NDC finds

himself under siege by the NDC. NPP-USA not only supports “Sir John,” we

encourage him to continue to fight the deceiving NDC boot-for-booth in their

campaign to crudely poison the normally decent political atmosphere in


The NDC is “unGhanaian.” Ghanaians are peace-loving, humble, mostly

truthful, and respectful of others’ rights. These attributes are completely

missing from the playbook of the NDC. How can a person occupying a position

as high as a Regional Minister, for example, instruct supporters at a rally

to “slap’ anyone disagreeing with the government? The unruly behavior and

utterances of the NDC leadership has inspired an unhealthy agitation on the

part of the NDC foot soldiers whose blatant lack of respect for authority

and the rule of law form the basis for the use of violence as their modus

operandi. This is not only morally wrong, it is unlawful and “UNGHANAIAN.”

The NDC is arrogant beyond compare. The dictionary defines “arrogance” as

“an offensive display of superiority or self-importance.” This, after all is

the party who officially “won” the 2008 elections by the slimmest of

margins. Yet it would have Ghanaians believe it is the most important party

in our nation’s history, and that all others are beneath it. The NDC is also

the party of self-righteousness in which, despite its unparalleled

ineptitude, takes uncompromising positions on issues not only to force and

forge an arrogant agenda but stubbornly plunges our country into a forward


When it comes to telling the truth, it is a completely foreign concept to

the NDC. One can spend eternity attempting to remember an issue on which the

deceiving NDC told the entire truth. Recently the Mills-Mahama lying brigade

put out a so-called 50 accomplishments after two years. Among those 50, over

15 were in fact projects initiated or completed by the previous NPP

government. The NDC continues to tell Ghanaians that the previous NPP

government mismanaged the economy. Yet in 2009 its own Finance Minister

wrote a letter, which he thought would not be exposed to the Ghanaian

public, to the World Bank highlighting the tremendous accomplishments in the

last eight years, when NPP was in power, in the area of managing the

economy. That’s not all; President Mills, in an apparent attempt to steal

credit and gain his lost favor in the coastal fishing areas, last week stood

in front of the nation to announce that it was through his personal efforts

as president that the loan was secured for the fishing harbor project. The

problem is that the said loan agreement was signed in 2008, a few months

before Mills became president. THAT IS DECEITFUL, UNBECOMING OF A FIRST


The deceiving NDC likes to talk about “justice” as though they respect the

rule of law. In truth their respect for others’ rights makes the Democratic

Republic of North Korea look like the epitome of democracy. These are people

who have hiked import duties to as high as 300%, a ploy designed to

discourage people from clearing the vehicles they have imported into the

country. Then when those vehicles are not claimed, these Castle boys would

impound them and sell them. Another source of inventory for them is seizing

vehicles from the innocent citizens without any warrants or due process.


The fact is that this out-of-control NDC has been running around spreading

lies and abusing the rights of others with impunity for some time now. And

for a while, the NPP appeared to tolerate their crude behavior. But now, Mr.

Kwadwo Owusu-Afriyie, the NPP General Secretary has decided to hold them in

check. Is it any wonder that he suddenly finds himself under attack from the

NDC and its surrogates? NPP-USA stands by “Sir John” completely and without

equivocation. We deem the trumped up lies on “Sir John” as an affront on the

entire party and urge all Kukrudites to stand in solidarity to condemn the

shameless lies from the deceiving NDC. The toxic nature of NDC’s ‘gutter’

politics is destroying the very fabric of our young democracy. It must be

rejected, sanctioned and denied. That will be the ‘GHANAIAN’ thing to do. That

is what Sir John is doing….!

Source: NPP-USA