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NRC senior staff sworn into office

Fri, 27 Sep 2002 Source: gna

Mr Justice Edward K. Wiredu, the Chief Justice, Thursday swore the senior staff of the National Reconciliation Commission (NRC) into office and cautioned them to be careful of information leakage in the course of their work.

The 11-member senior staff swore the oath of allegiance and secrecy. Mr Justice Wiredu asked them to take the oath seriously and not to reveal any information without using the proper channel.

Mr. Justice Wiredu reminded the staff that the violation of the oath carried sanctions, adding that the revelation of information without due process has negative consequences on the work of the commission. "Be guided by the rules and regulations of the NRC Act 611 and ensure not to fall victim of the rules and regulations," he said.

He congratulated them and urged them to put their expertise at the disposal of the Commission and ensure the success of its work. Dr. Ken Attafuah, Executive Secretary of the NRC thanked the state on behalf of his colleagues and assured the Chief Justice that the Senior Staff will live up to expectation.

He pledged their commitment to the task ahead, saying that they will work hard for the Commission to achieve the desired results. The other senior officers include, Mr. E. A. Cooper, Director, Finance and Administration; Mr E. A. Mingle, Director, Legal; Ms. Annie Anipa, Director, Public Relations; Dr. Mrs. Araba Sefa-Dedeh, Director, Counselling.

Others are Mr. E. C. S. Y. Dey, Zonal Manager, Ho; Mr. Johnson Abudu, Director, Investigations and Research; Mr. Sampson Amofa-Kra, Zonal Manager, Kumasi; Mr. D. N. Loriba, Zonal Manager, Tamale and Mr. G. A. Punguse, Zonal Manager, Bolgatanga

Source: gna