
No more abuse of sole sourcing – PPA boss

Procurement Authority Jobs PPA is assuring Ghanaians of due diligence in awarding contracts

Fri, 4 Aug 2017 Source:

The Chief Executive Officer of the Public Procurement Authority, Mr A.B Adjei has assured Ghanaians the abuse of sole sourcing and restricted tendering involving government contracts will stop under his tenure.

To this end, he said, the authority has established two purpose driven operational units to enhance the credibility of their operations and processes.

They are Due Diligence/Value for Money unit and Procurement Audit Unit. Mr. A.B Adjei gave this assurance at the special training workshop on the Public Procurement Act 203 (Act 663) as amended for Regional Ministers, MMDAs, Heads of Agencies in Kumasi, Miklin hotel.

Stressing on the new units created, Mr. Adjei said, they will restore public confidence and credibility in sole sourcing and restrict tender approval processes as well as provide technical advice on government contracts to obtain value for money.

He said, the Authority will soon pilot an electronic government procurement system among six (6) identified entities: COCOBOD, Ghana Health Service, Koforidua Technical University, Volta River Authority(VRA), Tema Metropolitan Assembly and Department of Feeder Roads under the e -Transform project by World Bank.

He, therefore, charge the Ministers, MMDAs and Heads of agencies to protect the public purse by guaranteeing value for money in all public transactions and exercise prudence and discipline in their fiscal management.
