
Of what value is a Mahama apology?

JOHN MAHAMA GH.png Former president John Mahama

Mon, 11 Nov 2019 Source: Kwame Okoampa-Ahoofe, Jr., PhD

What Mahama lackeys fail to fully appreciate is the fact that the fallout from the former President’s dastardly attempt to ruin the globally recognized and acknowledged reputation of His Royal Majesty, The Asantehene, Otumfuo Osei-Tutu, II, is far less about an apology which, it can scarcely be gainsaid, the former Rawlings’ Communications Minister inescapably owes the most influential and powerful legitimately invested Ghanaian traditional ruler than the patently flagrant attempt by the former Atta-Mills’ second-bananas to reprehensively re-aim for the Presidency at the expense of the truth of the reality of the unpardonable offender’s well-known reluctance to unreservedly hand over the democratic reins of governance to the man who had handily defeated Mr. John Dramani Mahama in the 2016 Presidential Polls (See “Mahama Won’t Apologize to Asantehene Today or Tomorrow – Appiah Stadium” / 9/20/19).

Those of us avid observers of Ghana’s political culture are fully aware of the fact that the aftermath of the 2016 Presidential Election was, in fact, the second time that the former National Democratic Congress’ Member of Parliament for Gonja-West had lost a nationwide election. Indeed, Mr. Johnson Asiedu-Nketia, the dynastic General-Secretary of the present main opposition National Democratic Congress, had gone on record in the wake of the 2012 Presidential Election as having publicly reprimanded the polling station representatives, agents and observers of then-Candidate Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo for not having been alert and vigilant enough to have prevented polling operatives of the then-ruling National Democratic Congress from perpetrating a massive ballot theft, a veritable act of treasonable political criminality, against the citizens of Ghana, an act that was shamelessly and scandalously orchestrated with the criminal complicity of the extant Chairman of the Electoral Commission, to wit, Dr. Kwadwo Afari-Gyan. The latter would be replaced by another widely alleged Mahama shill, namely, Mrs. Charlotte Kesson-Smith Osei, who would quickly gain notoriety for brazenly defying the decisions of the Georgina Theodora Wood-presided Supreme Court of Ghana.

Mrs. Osei, who continues to be staunchly backed by the key operatives of the National Democratic Congress, even long after she had been recommended for removal from office, for what was alleged by Chief Justice Sophia Akuffo to be judicially legitimate reasons, largely dealing with procurement irregularities at the Electoral Commission, and was eventually removed by a Presidential Order, based on the findings of a Commission of Inquiry, was also widely reported to have vehemently decried an electoral discrepancy involving some election-return figures that were observed to be at great variance with the official figures that eventually put the now-President Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo into the democratic seat of governance. We have yet to know or learn about the precise provenance of the aforesaid figures, although recent revelations by the present Electoral Commission’s Chair, Mrs. Jean Adukwei Mensa, convincingly point to an external corporate source to whom both Dr. Afari-Gyan and Mrs. Osei had allegedly literally gifted the sovereign destiny of the Ghanaian people.

In other words, our deep-seated and unflappable conviction and contention here is that an apology rendered to The Asantehene by Mr. Mahama would be as significant as irredeemably worthless. Which is precisely what the Mahama lackey popularly known as Mr. Appiah Stadium might have unmistakably been referring to when the latter rather vacuously asserted that his widely alleged paymaster owed Otumfuo Osei-Tutu absolutely no apologies because, in the words of Mr. Appiah Stadium, The Asantehene was already well aware of the incontrovertible fact that the former President was perfectly respectful of the Supreme Overlord of the globally celebrated Asante Federation.

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English Department, SUNY-Nassau

Garden City, New York


Columnist: Kwame Okoampa-Ahoofe, Jr., PhD