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"Pigs Revolution" Was June 4th -Kwame Mayor

Fri, 4 Jun 2010 Source: Tsi-Tsi Mashinini

"Pigs Revolution" Was June 4th --- Says Kwame Mayor (who has again, threatened to join the NDC, after systematically, being "Marginalized" by NPP Leadership).

By Tsi-Tsi Mashinini, UHURU TIMES

Weeping un-controllably at this year's June 4th Anniversary --- in Memory of the executed former Heads of State and Senior Army Officers, especially the brave Okatakyie Akwasi Amankwa Afrifa and the beloved Rear Admiral Joy Yao Amedume, in the hands of former Military Junta Leader, Jerry John Rawlings and his Crime Associate, Major (Retired) Boakye Djan --- and remembering the Civilians who were murdered in cold blood, and the Ghanaian Women who were stripped naked and paraded through the streets, former Ghanaian-American Candidate for Governor of California and the first Ghanaian born to run for Mayor of Los Angeles, "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Appiah Boateng, popularly known by Ghanaians around the World as "Kwame Mayor", has publicly said on his popular Campaign Website : WWW.KwameforPresident.Com, that "Pigs Revolution was exactly, June 4th Revolution".

The "Greatest Politician ever to set foot on Ghana's Soil", ironically threatened to join the Democratic Side of NDC, led by His Excellency, President John Evans Atta Mills who has boycotted the June 4th celebration --- instead of the Terrorist NDC side led by Rawlings ---after systematically being "marginalized" by Kufuor's controlled NPP Camp.

" I have tried my best again and again and again to join the NPP Camp but, Kufuor's forces still would not give me a chance, so "go to hell if you don't understand me ", said the American Trained Scholarly Politician who sometimes uses "American Slang" to make a point.

"Maybe if I join the NDC, it would reduce Political tension in the Country because Ghana cannnot afford to have Rawlings "booming on one side", with "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor "booming on the other side of the Political Equilibrium".

" Ghana cannot have Peace in such a scenario, cautioned the Politician dubbed "America's Mandela" who has "Battle Scars" to show to the World Community after years of fighting Political Terrorists --- whether they are the [few] Political Terrorists in America who have persecuted him for years for his Heroic Civil Rights and Human Rights Crusades and for other politically-motivated reasons --- *(without the consent of the Civilized Government at the White House) --- or "Battle Scars" from Kufuor's era BNI and from Rawlings' Security Mafias in Ghana.

His Excellency, President John Evans Atta Mills has a Moral, Ethical and Legal duty to warn "Rawlings' Security Mafias" from turning any State Institution into a Terrorist Organization against me, because of the grave consequences, and the fact that brave Ghanaian People and the equally brave American People from all walks of Life --- (Blacks, Whites, Latinos and the whole International Community would fight back against Terrorism, as Saddam Hussein and his henchmen experienced first hand).

The "America's Mandela", who is scheduled to lead a "Million Men and Women March to the White House" to protest Arizona's "Anti-Immigrants' Law" on July 3rd, 2010 and also, to protest Global Terrorism and Police Abuse on July 4th and July 5th 2010 respectively, used the June 4th shameful anniversary to appeal to the new British Government to extradite ex-AFRC Spokesman, Major (Retired) Boakye Djan to appear before United Nations Tribunal for specifically ordering the public execution of the brave Okatakyie Akwasi Amankwa Afrifa --- while publicly asking former Military Junta Leader, Jerry John Rawlings to "do the right thing" by surrendering (voluntarily) to "Allied Forces" before they eventually capture him for committing "Crimes Against the People of Ghana", and "Crimes Against Humanity", and for his links to the murder of Rear Admiral Joy Amedume.

The Celebrated Human Rights and Civil Rights Activist described the current leadership of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) as hypocrites for long forgetting about the extraordibary Human Rights abuses of Rawlings and Boakye Djan and failing to make Rawlings' Horrors in Ghana, a major Campaign issue.

" All that these NPP Flagbearers think about is how to become President of Ghana, while "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor has always been in the trenches, using Peaceful and Non-Violent Strategies to expose the "Satanic Evils" of Rawlings; Boakye Djan and former President John Agyekum Kufuor, who was 100% a "PNDC Collaborator" at the very time Asantes and other Ghanaians from all Tribes and Ethnicity became Victims of State Terror, the ethical and Moralist Politician reminded Ghanaians around the World.

"Folks, even though Rawlings is Evil, he must be given his due", said the Scholarly Politician.

" Boakye Djan, who ordered the savagery execution of Okatakyie Akwasi Amankwa Afrifa is undoubtedly, more evil than Rawlings", said the Great Politician who is (Morally angry that the NPP has always failed to utilize his Political Talents) and therefore, has once again, publicly threatened to join the Democratic side of NDC --- (with the sole reason of flushing out or expelling the Political Terrorists' Camp within the [NDC]) and making the Party a National Party --- (in order to make the NDC more Democratic, and Civilized with respect for the Rule of Law and respect for the Sanctity of Life !!!).

"If NDC does not want to change, we will change it for them", said the Populist and Centrist Politician, who says that he does not want to become a Puppet to be controlled by Rawlings' like President John Evans Atta Mills.

" Yes, we can change NDC and remove Rawlings as the Founder and make Dr. Kwame Nkrumah the Founder --- (since Rawlings stole Dr. Nkrumah's CPP supporters to build his NDC), and yes, we can also remove all Political Terrorists from the NDC", said the so-called "Re-Incarnation of Ghana's first President", who has publicly blamed Rawlings for destroying the CPP and stealing the followers of Dr. Kwame Nkrumah.

" We should do unto Rawlings, what he did to Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, said "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor.

"Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor praised His Excellency, President John Evans Atta Mills for "Gradually, rejecting State-Sponsored Terrorism", but reminded the President that although he has publicly washed his hands off the "Kangaroo Trial" of Nana Darkwa Baafi, an NPP activist "like Pontious Pilate", his government should ultimately be held accountable before International Courts for the Mental Torture and Psychological Torture of the NPP Defendant who is a victim of a disgraceful politically-motivated persecution and prosecution.

Still, appealing to the Nation to embrace the philosophy of Peaceful (Non-Violent) Resistance to seek Justice to atone for the "Greater Evils of former AFRC Military Junta Leaders Jerry John Rawlings and Major (Retired) Boakye Djan, the Great Politician said that since former Military Junta Leader Jerry John Rawlings always boasts that his, and Boakye Djan's AFRC Military regime had to "sacrifice the executed Senior Military Officers including former Heads of State" --- "it is logical to conclude that someday, both Rawlings and Djan could be executed by [their own] June 4th Revolutional ideas and ideals, in order to "sacrifice" them to the gods of the Land".

"Osagyefo" Kwame Mayor once again, pleaded with the Nation to give former President John Agyekum Kuffuor an award --- "COMPANION OF PNDC MILITARY REGIME !!!" --- to highlight the fact that Kufuor once accepted a position from Rawlings' PNDC Military government --- (with the full knowledge that Rawlings and Major (Retired) Boakye Djan had cowardly supervised AFRC Military government that executed the brave Okatakyie Akwasi Amankwa Afrifa and the Beloved Rear Admiral Joy Amedume etc, and also, cold-heartedly murdered the "People's Soldier !!!" --- General Odartey Wellington, to mention but a few.

"African governments must be warned against terrorizing their own Citizens", said America's Mandela who has used his Powerful Pen and Moral Courage to bravery resist cruelty and evil.

"The White House has a Moral Obligation to send a strong message to the World Community that the blood of Africans are equally important as the blood of every Human Being on this Planet, regardless of Color, Race or Tribe and therefore, should pressure the United Nations to fulfil its Moral obligation to open investigations into the 1979 savagery executions of Ghana's former Heads of State and Army Generals, (especially the barbaric execution of the brave Okatakyie Akwasi Amankwa Afrifa, and the equally barbaric murder of the beloved Rear Admiral Joy Amedume --- serious crimes committed by Major (Retired) Boakye Djan who is a dangerous Anti-Asante Tribalist and Jerry John Rawlings, another dangerous un-repentant racist and tribalist.

" The only Language African Dictators and Political Terrorists understand is the use of the most efficient "No Nonsense" and "Cow-Boy Diplomacy" that former President Bush practicised which truly "scared the hell of many African Dictators who normally abuse power to terrorize and kill their own African brothers and sisters", noted the anticipated Ph.D. Student in Political Science at Claremont Graduate University (CGU).

Touching on the rights of Ghanaian-Americans, the well-educated and talented Politician publicly asked Ghana's Constitutional Review Committee why Ghanaian-Americans are discriminated and marginalized in Ghana's political process and although he ("Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor) wrote articles appealing to Ghanaians to give a chance to the new Ghanaian-American Mayor of Accra, he wonderes why His Excellency, President John Evans Atta Mills gave his Ghanaian-American friend an opportunity to become Accra Mayor, while the President rejected his application to become the Mayor of Kumasi - although he, ("Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor) studied Public Administration and Public Financial Management with such degrees as Master of Public Administration (MPA); Master's Certificate in Public Financial Management, Bachelor of Science in Public Affairs and Public Administration all from the prestigious University of Southern California (USC), coupled with (coursework) in Doctor of Public Administration at the University of Southern California (USC) and currently, an admitted Ph.D. Student at the equally prestigious Claremont Graduate University (CGU).

"Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor, an Educator also has years of experience in America's City and County governments and his knowledge of Local government issues earned him a story in 1984 in the Sacramento Union when the then Mayor of Sacramento, Anne Rudin and former City Councilman - turned California's secretary of Health and Human Resources showered praises on him.

Asked why America, especially the White House under President George Bush and prior to that, under President Bill Clinton never gave him any opportunity to serve the White House despite his impressive qualifications and the un-disputable fact that his he is a qualified Ghanaian-American and the only Ghanaian-American to ever run for high offices in the history of America and the first indigenous African to run for a higher public office since America gained her independence from Great Britain in 1776, the gifted and Scholarly Politician, who served as a Volunteer and Precinct Captain in Los Angeles and Long Beach respectfully for Barack Obama's 2008 Presidential Campaign replied on his popular Website : WWW.KwameforPresident.Com.

" It is equally fair for Ghana too to ask President Barack Obama why Kwame Mayor has been deprived of the American Dream"

" It's not easy to stand up like Nelson Mandela in America"

"Hard Road to Freedom", said the Politician who despite his rhetorics, has the same "Forgiving Spirit" like the Legendary Nelson Mandela, but will always fight against tyranny, injustice, in-equality, and oppression.

"The Struggle is also my Life, said "America's Mandela".

" I am like a (Persecuted Jew), and as a Ghanaian-American with no Tangible Rights (for Politically-Motivated reasons) --- in USA and in my own Native Land of Ghana, I am a "Palestinian without a Land", lamented the Great Political Thinker and Philosopher.

" The United States of America (USA), the proverbial Land of the Free and Home of the brave where I am yet to dream the American Dream ---- despite years of Hardwork, un-precedented Perseverance and Courage; enviable Academic Laurels and Heroic Democratic Credentials as well as Civil Rights activism --- and Ghana, my own Land of Birth which has never given me any opportunity for politically-motivated reasons, should "do the right thing", the Legendary Human Rights and Civil Rights Activist said as he eyes the World Court of Law for redress.

" The truth hurts in the ears of extremely biased and ignorant few, but I am truly like a Persecuted Jew and also, like a Palestinian without a Land" --- "America's Mandela", whose victimizations under State-sponsored politically-motivated persecutions in Ghana, (especially under the previous government of former President John Agyekum Kufuor) and also, in the hands of a [few] Enemies of Democracy, Enemies of Freedom, Enemies of Liberty and Enemies of Equality in America who cowardly terrorized and persecuted him for daring to dream the Great American Dream --- without the knowledge and approval of the Civilized Democratic Government at the White House, said

" My Heroic Struggles to promote and maintain the basic principles of Democracy, Freedom, Liberty; Civil Rights and Human Rights deserve to be immortalized in the Guiness' Book of Records", the "Politician of the People, for the People and by the People", again spoke in "Hi-Tech Parables".

>>> (Signed for Release ) : "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Appiah Boateng, "Kwame Mayor

>>> Telephone (+562) 428-3727

>>> Email: KwameMayor@Yahoo.Com

>>> Website : WWW.KwameforPresident.Com

Columnist: Tsi-Tsi Mashinini