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Porterfield contemplates court action

Fri, 6 Sep 2002 Source: .

EMBITTERED Asante Kotoko expatriate coach, Mr Ian Porterfield, has threatened to take court action against his employers for the shabby way he has been treated by the management of the club.

A source close to the wife of Mr Porterfield said the husband has engaged the services of a Kumasi-based legal practitioner to take legal action against the management of Kotoko for the way the husband was treated.

According to the wife, the Kotoko management has not only already seized the car used by her husband in his official duties but has also cut other benefits enjoyed by him and described the action as uncalled for.

The source made these remarks when the Graphic called at the residence of Mr Porterfield to have first hand information on what led to the termination of his appointment.

The wife said the husband has been advised by his lawyer not to grant any interview to any pressman for the time being, but assured that as soon as the process of taking legal action begins, the husband will grant interviews to the press.

She, however, revealed that during the recess of the Kotoko-Olympics league match in Kumasi two weeks ago, the Chief Executive of Kumasi Asante Kotoko, Mr Herbert Mensah, did not only attempt to interfere in the work of her husband but also attempted to strangle him in the dressing room.

She said it was not true that her husband made any insulting gesture with his middle finger as alleged by a management member of Kumasi Asante Kotoko.

She said so far her husband is in safe hands because the British High Commission is not only studying the current situation but is also monitoring events critically. Last Monday, the management of Kotoko terminated the appointment of Mr Porterfield for an alleged insulting behaviour during the Kotoko-Olympics Premier league match in Kumasi two weeks ago.

Insiders, however, said the appointment of the coach was terminated because "his tactics do not help Kotoko to win their matches by a wider margins".

According to a source, "the coach always makes wrong substitutions during matches, compelling the players to struggle very hard before winning".

The source cited last Sunday's African Cup Winners Cup match between Kotoko and El Ghazel in which Aziz Ansah got injured at a time Kotoko were leading 2-0 as a typical example.

"Instead of bringing on Dan Acquah to replace Aziz and allow Hamza Muhammed in the midfield to support the attack, he rather brought on Joe Sam and pushed Hamza deep in the defence, making it impossible for Kotoko to score more goals", lamented the source.

In reaction to such critics last Sunday during a post-match interview, Mr Porterfield said he is a competent coach who knows what he does at the right time.

He explained that since he assumed duty as the head coach of Kotoko, some people have made it their duty to interfere in his job by making unconstructive criticisms, thereby killing the confidence of his players".

He pointed out that he is a coach with much experience and had been at the helm of affairs with clubs like Chelsea in England and other reputable clubs in Middle East and other African countries.

He wondered why people will criticise him in spite of the fact that he has won 17 out of the 20 league matches played so far, drawn two and lost only one.

"This is a record that should be appreciated any where by people who care for positive results", he stressed. The dismissal of Mr Porterfield has generated heated argument among the teeming supporters of Kumasi Asante Kotoko in the Kumasi Metropolis.

On FM Stations and at drinking bars, lorry stations and restaurants, the argument is on why the coach was dismissed at a time that Kotoko is to play a crucial match in Egypt.

Most of the fans contended that management could have ironed out any differences with the coach and allow him to continue because the players have now adapted to his style of play.

"Bringing in a new coach at this crucial period is a big gamble that management is taking and it may affect the performance of the players", they lamented.

Others were, however, of the view that Kotoko may be able to sail through because most of the players are talented and can cope with the situation.

Source: .