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President Mills inaugurates Councils of two new universities

Tue, 7 Feb 2012 Source: GNA

Accra , Feb 07, GNA- President John Evans Atta Mills has directed the Ministry of Education to ensure that all structures are in place so that admissions into the two new public universities in the country can take place for the 2012/2013 academic year.

The Universities in question are the University of Allied Sciences in the Volta Region and the University of Energy and Natural Resources in the Brong Ahafo Region.

President Mills gave the directive at the inauguration of the interim councils of the two universities performed at the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA) in Accra on Tuesday.

The inauguration was done on behalf of the President by Mr Enoch Teye Mensah, Acting Minister of Education.

Prof Kofi Anyidoho of the University of Ghana, chairs the interim council of the University of Health and Allied Sciences, whose other members are Justice Agnes Dzodzi, an Appeals Court Judge; Dr Sodzi Sodzi Tetteh, Medical Practitioner; Dr Yaw Adu Gyamfi, Chief Executive Officer, Danadams Pharmaceutical Industry; Togbe Tepre Hodo IV, Paramount Chief, Anfoega Traditional Council; and Prof Ernest Aryeetey, Vice Chancellor of the University of Ghana; who is the Head of the Collaborating Institution.

Prof Aba Andam of the Ghana Atomic Energy Commission is the head of the interim council of the University of Energy and Natural Resources.

The other members of Council are Prof Emeritus Elizabeth Ardayfio-Schandorf, of the Geography and Resource Development of the University of Ghan; Mr Paul Effah, a Retired University Administrator; Osagyefo Oseadeeyo Agyeman- Badu, Omanhene of Dormaa Traditional Area; Okofrobuor Dr Yaw Agyei II, Omanhene of Mim Traditional Area; with Prof William Otoo Ellis, Vice Chancellor of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology as the Head of the Collaborating Institution.

Work on the two universities is in progress, with the construction of the requisite infrastructure taking place. The Administrative staff has also been put in place.

“It is now time to put in place the management structures to roll out the courses which the universities are mandated by law to teach, “ Mr Mensah said.

He commended the ministry of education for the hard work of the various committees that had brought the establishment of the universities that far.

“Given the pedigree of the men and women who make up the Councils of our two newest public universities, I have no doubt in my mind that you will serve our nation well.“ Mr Mensah said.

Prof Anyidoho expressed thanks to the Government for the confidence reposed in the councils and assured the President that with the cooperation of all stakeholders, they will discharge their duties well.

Source: GNA