
President Trumps’ 'Shithole' comment is unpardonable - Dr Antwi-Danso

Dr Vladimir Antwi Danso 20188 Dr Vladimir Antwi-Danso

Sat, 13 Jan 2018 Source:

Dr Vladimir Antwi-Danso, a Researcher and International Consultant, says the derogatory and racist comments US President, Donald Trump, used to describe Africans, blacks and others were unpardonable, especially coming from a president regarded as the most powerful in the world.

He said: “In fact, I was really angry when I heard and read about it and I’m happy the whole world has shown anger and disgust”.

He said the African Union should show anger and make a statement, while the individual heads of states and governments must also come out with statements to express their disgust.

Dr Antwi-Danso expressed these sentiments in an interview with the Ghana News Agency in Accra, on Saturday.

President Trump is reported to have called African countries and Haiti ‘shithole countries’ while discussing immigration issues with a bipartisan group of senators at the White House on Thursday.

President Trump is quoted to have said: “Why do we want all these people from Africa here? They’re shithole countries … We should have more people from Norway.”

President Trump has since denied using such vulgar language, tweeting that ‘the language used by me at the DACA meeting was tough, but this was not the language used. What was really tough was the outlandish proposal made – a big setback for DACA!’

Dr Antwi-Danso said if it were US, they would have retaliated and even threatened the one who made that statement; “So this is the time we have to show that despite the assistance we have received from America, we have our pride as a continent and we’re proud of who we are, and don’t owe anybody excuses”.

He said the US President’s comment was distasteful, which had received worldwide condemnation, saying; “People have shown their anger and President Trump needs to know how to talk”.

He saidTrump’s comment was indefensible, adding; “People are trying to defend him by saying that, “That is how he talks and unaware that the comment would trigger anger around the world”.

Dr Antwi-Danso said that President Trump was the first diplomat of America and his utterances served as gestures to the rest of the world.

“Therefore, his demeanour must go to conform to the aims and principles of good neighbourliness’ and good intentions for the world.

“So if you’re a President and you don’t know how to talk, then there is no excuse for you. “I have heard some of the senators saying he is a sick man and, therefore, he doesn’t do any good to US with his behavour and utterances,” he stated.

Dr Antwi-Danso said:”The African Union coming out with a statement doesn’t mean that, it is severing relations with America, but it’s high time the Continent showed that, it had its pride and wouldn’t tolerate continued disrespect from the Trump’s administration.

“If the African Union comes out, at least if for nothing at all, we will be applauded for defending our dignity and pride”.

Meanwhile, Mr. Irbard Ibrahim, an International Relations Expert, told the GNA that, although the comment from President Trump was derogatory and distasteful, the African leaders should tread cautiously, and not do anything that would affect the bilateral and multilateral relations between America and the Continent.

“When we respond, we should do so in a diplomatic and unprovoked manner in order not to escalate matters,” he stated.

Mr Ibrahim said: “To forgive is divine and Mr. Trump is not a superhuman and not perfect, therefore in our response, it must be measured and hope that such derogatory comment will not happen again”.

He said the US Visa Lottery enabled Africans, Asians, Arabs, Latinos and other people around the world to contribute towards the development of the US and, therefore, they did not deserve such distasteful descriptions from President Trump.

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