
Press Release by Hon. Felix Owusu Adjapong

Tue, 17 Nov 2009 Source: --


Fellow colleagues, friends, supporters and sympathisers of the elephant family, I write to dove my heart out for you for your active involvement in the current ongoing restructuring process.

I am particularly happy that everybody including those who do not even have their umbilical cord attached to and have direct bearing in our party has shown deep concern over the need to reorganise, restructure and bring the party back to power come 2012.

Presently all polling stations elections are over and have registered a huge success apart from some few areas which had some few misunderstandings. The elections to select coordinators have also gone through unscathed and this is sending particular signal of the unshaken and the emboldened spirit that has ruptured us after our electoral defeat.

This is an indication that we have held on rather strongly the clarion call to put our past behind us and surge forward to glory. I want to encourage you for showing keen interest in this restructuring process which I can assure you that the success of it will provide the key to our resolve to recapture political power in the national elections in 2012.

I want to congratulate all those who have contested for any of the elections which has been so far conducted in the party and won. We should note that the position we have contested for and won places certain responsibilities on us which we must perform. What I entreat you to do is to extent a hand of friendship to all those who competed with you and assure them of your readiness to work heartily with them to begin the nurturing process of our party unity which we have all longed for.

Gallant competitors who were not successful in your bid to capture party position, this is a bold attempt and I dove my heart out for you for that efforts. This is the time to rally behind your leaders in the polling stations and the constituencies to strengthen the party at the base level. You own it a duty to play a key role to make the party even stronger.

There is a growing perceived disunity in the party that is quietly deepening our woes and could have the penchant to divide our front. The resurrection of factions is the labelling products certain personalities who will want to infiltrate into the party and create greater disaffection for party faithfuls. I want to say that factionalism at this time of our political journey will definitely not be a plus for us in our forward march towards party unity and hence the need to guard against it.

As we get close to electing our national officers and eventually our flagbearer, it is important that we select officers whose commitment and loyalty to the party is not in doubt. We must try not to be influenced or be dictated by any material and financial gains. Our heads and conscience must not be compromised for any pecuniary gains.

Let us all appreciate differences in opinions in our quest to elect a flagbearer for 2012 elections. That is the path we have chosen but let us be careful and be circumspect that this path is not translated into acrimony. We should have a National Leadership that could draw the needed synergy and foster, bridge those differences in opinions to our advantage to help deepen our internal democracy.

It must be said that, ten months into the admistartion of Mills, Ghanaians are already disillusioned for entrusting the leadership of the nation into the hands of the NDC. The typical Ghanaian today is worse off in value so far as his purchasing power is concerned. The Ghanaian now goes through more difficult, tortuous process just to elk a living. It is simply unacceptable for us to maintain the status quo beyond 2012 as NDC has clearly shown that it does not have the political whirl withal to steer affairs of Ghanaians to be better off. The onus lies on NPP therefore to close its ranks and take advantage of the inertia and bereft of ideas the NDC Government has disgracefully shown. And this consummate inertia by the NDC Government amply summed up in the Ga parlance ‘NPP Nye ba ye Nye te’ which to wit literally NPP should come for their stone as they have been vindicated by the very premonition they had about the NDC Government.

Felix Kwasi Owusu Adjapong STILL committed to unifying the party with his reach experience and 12 years in parliament and overwhelming knowledge in the dynamics of the NPP the country as a whole.

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