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Prez Mahama's IEA encounter rescheduled

President Dramani Mahama John

Tue, 9 Oct 2012 Source: radioxyzonline

The Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA) has rescheduled President Mahama’s participation date in the evening encounter to next week Thursday.

The President was scheduled to take his turn today to present his programmes and policies to the people of Ghana but the date has been rescheduled to 18 September.

Speaking to XYZ News, Presidential spokesperson John Jinapor said the change in date became necessary since the earlier date was not favorable to the President.

Mr. Jinapor added that the earlier decision was taken while the President was away in the United States.

“We told them that we were unable to do 9th because the President had accepted other engagements so we both settled mutually on the 18th of October”.

The NDC had earlier declined to participate in the programme saying its decision was in accordance with early convention where the sitting Presidents had abstained.

However, the party rescinded its decision after the demise of President Mills.

With his expected participation in the programme, President Mahama becomes the first sitting President to have honoured that invitation.

Source: radioxyzonline