
RE: Was Jonah Really Swallowed By A Whale?

Fri, 1 Oct 2010 Source: Obourba Asante Taado


An article with the above title appeared on Ghanaweb :Religion of Thursday 30/09/2010, in which the writer as usual tried to misinterprete the scriptures and distort facts just to advance his arguments and win applause from opponents of the HOLY SCRIPTURES.

I therefore take the opportunity to present the true facts from the BOOK OF JONAH.

The Prophet JONAH lived in the Galilean City of GATH-HEPHER(about four miles north of Nazareth) in the reign of JEROBOAM 11 (793-753 B.C.),King of Israel( 2KINGS 14:25). Jereboam 11 was northern Israel’s most powerful King, and during his administration, borders of the nation were expanded to their greatest extent since the time of DAVID and SOLOMON. Assyria, however, 500 miles to the coast was a constant threat. The fact of the matter is due to Israel’s progressive rebellion, the prophets HOSEA and AMOS declared that JEHOVAH would use Assyria as an instrument of punishment against HIS people( HOSEA 11:5, AMOS 5:27). Any patriotic Israelite would have longed for Assyria’s destruction.

One can imagine the confusion that must have filled JONAH’S mind when he received the LORD’S word to proceed to NINEVEH, the Capital City of Assyria, to preach God’s word to them. Jonah was aware of the fact that JEHOVAH is a “gracious God, and merciful, slow to anger, and abundant in lovingkindness”(JONAH 4:2),hence the certainty that if the inhabitants of that great city respond to his message, GOD would spare them. Jonah did not want that. He accordingly went to JOPPA where he boarded a ship bound for TARSHISH, a Phoenecian colony on the SW coast of SPAIN. The aim of his trip was to flee from the presence of JEHOVAH(1:3). But as every Bible student knows, his plans were soon thwarted. Where men propose, God can dispose. When a great storm arose and the inmates of the vessel feared for their lives, JONAH confessed that he was the cause of the calamity. Though the sailors did not like the idea, they were forced to accept Jonah’s suggestion that he be thrown overboard.

Down he went into the depths of the Mediterranean sea with seaweed swirling about his head(2:5). He was then swallowed by a great creature of the deep. We should note that this narrative has suffered the brunt of critics for a long while. Enemies of the Bible contend that the document is pure fiction( E.J. GOODSPEED, How to read the Bible page 149). Some critics argue that the book of Jonah depicts the prophet as being swallowed by a “great fish”(1:17), whereas the NEW TESTAMENT suggests that the CREATURE was a GREAT WHALE( MATT 12:40). NOTE: THE FALLACY OF THIS ILL CONCEIVED ARGUMENT LIES IN THE FACT THAT BOTH THE HEBREW WORD (DAG) AND THE GREEK WORD (KETOS), ARE GENERIC TERMS THAT CAN APPLY TO ANY ACQUATIC CREATURE.

However, JESUS CHRIST appealed to the narrative as a genuine history( MATT 12:39-41), and this settles the issue for all who have any regard for the Saviour’s Deity. Aside from the fact that this event involve a miracle, the circumstances are not beyond the realm of possibility. A number of similar cases have been documented in modern times. NEAR THE BEGINNING OF THIS CENTURY, A SEAMAN WAS SWALLOWED BY A LARGE SPERM WHALE NEAR THE FALKLAND ISLANDS. After three days, he was recovered, unconscious but alive, though there was some damage to his skin( A.J. WILSON, PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL REVIEW, XXV, OCTOBER 1927, P.636).

The Book of JONAH is filled with valuable information and timeless lessons. Perhaps we could reflect upon some of these matters.

1) The book demonstrates the Sovereignty of the Almighty as HE employs HIS creation to accomplish the divine plan. The LORD controlled the elements of weather(JONAH 1:4,11,13,15, 4:8) and HE prepared a sea- creature, a vine, and a worm to do HIS bidding.

2) The inspired document reveals the international interest of God, even in the MOSAIC ERA. Though Jehovah was working primarily through the Hebrew nation as an instrument for the sending of the promised seed( Genesis 22:18), nevertheless, HIS compassion for all the people of the earth was abundantly manifested. And the sending of the” missionary” Jonah to these Gentile Ninevites was a clear demonstration of this.

3) The narrative illustrates a truth so frequently suggested in the Old Testament that the LORD, not man, is in control of the destiny of nations. Jehovah rules in the Kingdoms of men and disposes of them according to HIS Divine standard( Psalms 22:28,Proverbs 14:34, Daniel 2:21, 4:17). Those who think that nations stand or fall because of “strong national defense” are woefully ignorant of biblical principles. Nineveh was given forty days to repent, as a result the nation was spared for about a century and a half. However, when Assyria degenerated again, she was destroyed and the Prophet NAHUM addresses this very matter. Nineveh fell to the Babylonians in 612 B.C.

4) God’s love is for all nations. It’s possible for people to have Jonah’s attitude without his honesty. It is impossible to escape from God. Satan always has a ship ready whenever we get ready to run away from our God given responsibilities. The way of disobedience is downward. One may go very far but God knows where we are.

Let the Bible speak and we(CHRISTIANS) will better understand it.

To God be the glory.

Obourba Asante Taado.

Source: Obourba Asante Taado