
SWAG @ 47

Tue, 4 Aug 2015 Source: Sammy Heywood Okine

The Sports Writers Association of Ghana (SWAG), on Monday, August 3, 2015 celebrated 47 years of existence as an Association.

On the occasion of the 47 years of existence in Ghana, the Association wished to salute all the founding fathers, patrons, members and well-wishers who have contributed to the development and promotion of SWAG.

A statement from the secretariat of the Association said, “if life begins at 40, then at this stage of the Association, we feel proud to be fully matured enough to contribute our quota to the development, promotion and transformation of sports in Ghana.

“We have over the years organized a successful prestigious uninterrupted awards running for 39 years and we are encouraged to organize it better as the years run because it is the premier awards of its kind in the country,"It noted.

It said, SWAG has played a significant role in curbing violence at our various sports centers through our reportage, and we feel really excited to see sports fans go and watch events in peace for love of sports. It added that SWAG has enjoyed government respect and support as a major stake holder and we hope to keep on playing our watch dog role to ensure discipline, fair play and respect for all to avoid corruption and discrimination.

“On this occasion, we want to support our international parent body, the International Sports Press Association (AIPS) in the fight against manipulation and defend our right of expression, because our freedom of thought and criticism can help sports to grow and with it, generations coming will develop.

“Ours is a social commitment and though some of our working conditions may not be the best, we are the ones who must intervene to stem dangerous interference in the freedom of expression. We still talk the same language in sport and so we open up a chink.

Our commitment must be total and unitary, as reminded by the president of the AIPS, Gianni Merlo in his message to mark this year’s International Day of the Sports Journalist. SWAG therefore calls on all members to remain committed to the cause of the Association as we seek to promote sports journalism in the country."

The Association urged its members and other media people to get set for the digital era and train themselves to be abreast with modern trends of journalism, not to be left behind in this new age of the social and other new media.

The Association is currently led by ace writer cum broadcaster, Kwebena Yeboah, with Maurice Quansah as Vice President.

Other Executive members are William Ezah-General Secretary, Thomas Boakye Agyeman-Dep General Secretary, Rosdalind Amoh -Treasurerand two Executive members- Charles Osei Asibey and Larry George Botchway

SWAG at 2015 boasts of over 300 members, however about 100 are very active.

By Sammy Heywood Okine aka General 1

Source: Sammy Heywood Okine