
Sam George details 'strange' story of how NSA vehicle was stolen after being parked at Kumasi hotel

Samuel Nartey George Samuel George Samuel George Samuel George Sam Nartey George, the Member of Parliament for Ningo-Prampram

Tue, 6 Feb 2024 Source:

Sam Nartey George, the Member of Parliament for Ningo-Prampram has detailed a strange happening at the National Sports Authority relative to the loss of a brand new pick-up.

In a Joy News interview on Monday, February 5, 2024, Sam George recounted how a vehicle belonging to the National Sports Authority strangely went missing after being parked at a place different from the usual parking lot.

Sam George disclosed that interestingly, the said vehicle was not insured and that there are a lot of illegal activities ongoing at the NSA.

“You know, there is the issue of the NSA vehicle that is outstanding. Just listen to the chronology of the events and make your conclusion. The NSA always parks its vehicles in Kumasi at the Sports Hotel which is part of the Kumasi Sports Stadium. Very close to it.

“The new director comes in, a brand new pickup is bought. He gets to Kumasi with his driver and says I don’t want you to park at the Sports Hotel. Go and park at a new hotel. The vehicle is parked at the new hotel, that very night, there is a robbery at the hotel and the only thing that is stolen is the pickup.”

“You are seeing theft. You are seeing blatant lies, you are seeing misappropriation of state funds. How do we continue like this? And the clear disrespect and undermining of his sector minister is mind-boggling. “Except someone is sitting somewhere and maybe the Jubilee House is backing what the sports Director General is doing, you can’t see this happening in any institution,” he lamented.

Sam George had earlier in the day, at a sitting of the Public Accounts Committee clashed with the NSA Director-General Professor Twumasi and the accountant over the alleged dislodgement of some funds accrued by the NSA during the Christmas festivities.

Sam George, who is a member of the committee, after receiving confirmation from the NSA’s accountant that part of the funds were lodged in the Kumasi account got puzzled and demanded answers from the accountant.

The accountant explained that “Partly was lodged in Accra and the other in Kumasi. The invoices we issued to these two…". He then gave a long pause that prompted a reaction from Sam George.

Sam George quizzed again ‘"Do you have an answer for the committee?” and the accountant replied, “Yes, Mr Chairman.” Sam George then asked him to proceed and give the reasons behind the decision to lodge some payment in Accra and in Kumasi.

The accountant then referred the question to the Director-General which prompted a response from Sam George who asked “But you are the accountant, lodgements are made to you so why is the Director-General of the NSA supposed to explain what your role is? Is it because he directed?

The accountant responded, "It’s because he is the spending officer.” Sam George was not satisfied with the response and pushed further “Lodgements of the cheques are different from the disbursement of the cheques so on whose order or authority did you lodge cheques made for Accra Sports Stadium into the Kumasi account”.

The accountant replied “The Director-General”.

The back and forth between Sam George and the accountant lasted a while until the accountant confirmed that Professor Twumasi directed him to lodge the money in the Kumasi accountant.

Sam George then directed his questions to the NSA boss but he was faltering in delivery which prompted James Klutse Avedzi to intervene and ask the questions himself.

Professor Twumasi was still struggling to provide clarity on the issue and Avedzi who was clearly unhappy with the performance of the NSA announced that the committee would recommend to the Auditor-General to undertake a forensic audit of the accounts of the NSA.

“I want to make a recommendation which will be put in the report. Listening to what is happening here, I think the place is in a mess,” said Dr. Avedzi.
