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Sekyi Hughes Has Disgraced Kufuor -Obed

Thu, 4 Jun 2009 Source: Chronicle

A former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Obed Yao Asamoah has told The Chronicle in an interview that the decision by the former Speaker of Parliament, Rtd. Hon. Begyina Sekyi Hughes, to go away with soft furnishings from his official residence, is a complete disgrace to former President Kufuor, who appointed him.

"He has disgraced the one who appointed him. Why should you raid the house like that? It amounts to robbing the state," he said. The former chairman of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) also said "Instead of giving to the nation, we rather rip off the nation. The government must scrap such a policy", he said.

Dr. Asamoah, however, said the action of Mr. Hughes does not amount to criminality since he has no intention to 'steal', but might have acted based on the policies of government and wrong assumptions he made.

President Kufuor made certain things permissible, which was why he took those things away, and because of that it would be difficult to prosecute him. It is my view that we should establish a standard to avoid people ripping the nation off".

On issues of corruption, coupled with threats to prosecute former government officials, Dr. Obed Asamoah said President John Evans Atta Mills must first investigate allegations of corruption that rocked the recent approval of District and Municipal Chief Executives.

He noted that if these cases are investigated and those found culpable are prosecuted, then he would have the moral right to turn on the former ministers, so that the issue about political witch-hunting would not arise.

Source: Chronicle