
Running the FA is about competence not age - Nyantakyi

Fri, 30 Dec 2005 Source: GNA

Accra, Dec 30, GNA - Mr Kwasi Nyantakyi, the newly elected President of the Ghana Football Association (GFA), has promised to inject more youthful dynamism into the running of the Association. Mr Nyantakyi, 37, the youngest elected head of the Association since its inception, said in an interview with the GNA Sports that running an organization had nothing to do with age but rather the competence and experience that one brought to the job. The new GFA President, who polled 91 votes representing 74 per cent of valid votes cast, said his four-year tenure would see more pragmatic programmes that would encompass all the facets of soccer in Ghana. "Pretty soon I am going to call a meeting of the new Executive Committee to elect my Vice-President which would be followed by my comprehensive programme that will build a stronger league and build the capacity of the Regional Football Association (RFA).

"To me the league during my tenure will be a vibrant one that is able to attract sponsorship to give all competing clubs an equal chance of winning."

Mr Nyantakyi, who was the vice-chairman in the previous administration led by Dr Nyaho Nyaho-Tamakloe, said his immediate plan was to improve on the capacity of the staff at the GFA Secretariat. "Those that can be trained we will train them, those that cannot be equipped will be exited, so that the issue where files of clubs get missing becomes a thing of the past as it does not give the Association a good image.

"We will then computerize the place so that information management, which has been one of our bane for some years will be no more. "When all these are done, the GFA would become more responsive to the needs of the people it serves including clubs, coaches, players and referees. This will make people who come to the Secretariat with needs to always go back as satisfied people.

"I stood for this election because of my conviction that I have something to offer Ghana football and my brief stay as the acting chairman during which we secured sponsorship deals for the national teams and qualified the Stars to their first World Cup convinced me that when given the chance I can do more."

The need for a new constitution and structures for the GFA came about last March, when the then Chairman, Dr Nyaho-Tamakloe complained of the conflicting structures of the Association to the World soccer governing body FIFA.

FIFA in its reply asked the GFA to scrape its three-tier administrative structure to a system similar to that of the world soccer controlling body.

The GFA to avoid sanctions from the FIFA, changed its constitution and structures into a two-tier body, made up of the Congress, which is the highest decision making body and the Executive Committee, which is the management hand.

Mr Nyantakyi by this victory becomes the President of the GFA Congress and the Executive Committee.

Source: GNA