
Special Voting: Agalga raised concerns about missing names in voters register

James Agalga33 NDC Parliamentary Candidate for Builsa North, James Agalga

Wed, 2 Dec 2020 Source: GNA

James Agalga, the National Democratic Congress (NDC) Parliamentary Candidate for the Builsa North Constituency has raised concerns about some alleged missing names and duplicates of serial numbers on ballots papers in the special voting exercise in the Constituency.

“My agents complained that there were duplicates in terms of the serial numbers on the ballots. So that was an issue that engaged their attention, and so they have since taken the necessary steps to complete forms in that regard.

“The second challenge we are having with the special voting has to do with the personnel of the security agencies. A lot of them came in this morning and searched through the register but could not find their names. So they are very dissatisfied,” he said.

Speaking in an interview with the Ghana News Agency (GNA) after monitoring the special voting exercise, Mr Agalga said the EC was informed prior to the special voting and “They gave us all the assurances that steps were taken to rectify the so-called anomalies which has to do with the disenfranchisement of personnel of the security agencies.”

According to the Ranking Member of the Defence and Interior Committee of Parliament, “Fortunately the fears of many have been proven right. Their names are not on the register. Are they not citizens, are they not Ghanaians,” he quizzed.

The incumbent Member of Parliament (MP) said “After today, I would want the Chairperson of the EC, Mrs Jean Mensa to come out immediately and inform the whole country about the next steps that she intends to roll out to ensure that our men and women in uniform are not disenfranchised.

“Remember that they are the same people we are counting on to provide security on the 7th of December, but how do you police others to vote when you yourself haven’t even had the opportunity to exercise that right.”

He called on the EC to work to ensure that the personnel were allowed to vote, “They are not going to be motivated enough to provide security on Election Day. So this could in itself have security implications. It is something we need to watch very carefully.”

Mr Simon Gibson Achavuusum Anuegabey, an Independent Candidate contesting the Builsa North Constituency seat, corroborated the concerns of Mr Agalga, and said “Actually my agent told me about the duplicate serial numbers, but the officials will not tear that one out of the ballot book but will only fold it and write on it duplicate “My agent actually told me they have not recorded any Police officer coming here to complain that his name has not been found in the book. So I don’t know whether it actually happened here.”

When the GNA contacted the Builsa North District Director of the EC, Mr Mohammed Sherifdeen Alhassan he said “As far as I know, we have 393 people on the register and voting is moving smoothly, and persons who are on the register have voted. “Persons on the register in include; security people, my officials and the media men. That is what I can report,” the EC Director said.

Source: GNA