
Porno Hits Tamale

Tamale Porno 1

Mon, 3 Sep 2012 Source: Daily Guide

The incidence of pornography which has hit parts of the country lately, is gaining root in Tamale, the Northern regional capital, with the involvement of some indigenes aged between 18 and 25.

DAILY GUIDE has in its possession an album of some known women whose nude pictures were circulating in a number of hotels within the Tamale Metropolis, in their bid to attract clients.

It had also been established that the said girls were commercial sex workers operating under the guise of being businesswomen in the city, and they were always seen hovering around some notable hotels.

The picture album with various poses of the nude girls showcasing their private parts, had telephone numbers written below them.

According to DAILY GUIDE’s investigations, the ladies had been identified as Awula, Hiba, Latifa, and Aisha.

The pictures however found their way into the public domain and were being circulated on mobile phones and other social media networks which had resulted in two of the ladies fleeing Tamale.

A source at one of the hotels which preferred anonymity told DAILY GUIDE that the album was always shown to customers who called for the services of commercial sex workers.

Such clients, after viewing the album, called for the services of the harlots who were believed to be charging between GH¢150 and GH¢200.

According to the source, they were believed to render services only to expatriates and sometimes persons they perceived to be wealthy.

Prominent Muslim leaders and scholars had condemned the practice in the region and called on the authorities to track down the said girls, claiming their conduct might bring curses on the entire region.

This also came in the wake of reports of the proliferation of prostitution camps in the regional capital despite reports on the increasing infection rate of the deadly HIV virus.

The metropolis which until now was described as a Muslim enclave and a decent area, had for the past years witnessed the proliferation of these brothels.

Victory Cinema was one of the popular spots where these nocturnal activities took place.

When DAILY GUIDE visited the area, it was revealed that women aged between 25 and 40 were actively engaged in the business.

It was also gathered that prominent hotels within the metropolis hired the services of the prostitutes each time they had high ranking guests.

The hotels, it was gathered, acted as agents who were paid commissions and were believed to be undertaking the recruitment exercise for the prostitutes for sister hotels elsewhere in Ghana.

Source: Daily Guide