

Thu, 9 Oct 1997 Source: --

The Chronicle reports on its front page that a special forum on the Volta Region organised to identify development and investment potentials has taken place at Sogakope. The aim of the forum according to the Chronicle, was to identify both internal and external factors considered to be responsible for the lack of development and investment in the region and also suggest ways of overcoming such problems. The Chronicle says the forum, under the chairmanship of Professor Kofi Nyidevu Awoonor, a Minister of State, was attended by all Volta MPs, Ministers, former PNDC secretaries from the region, including Dr. Asamoah Tutu, Prof. Komla Amoako, Director of the National Theatre, Mr. Mawuli Tse of Africa-on-line, Dr. Charles Asembri, Commissioner of CEPS and all the 12 district chief executives. The Chronicle says the meeting identified some of the internal problems as lack of unity in the region as is manifested in the North-South dichotomy, apathetic attitude of well-placed citizens of the region in government and other high places towards the development of the region and lack of support from the Regional Coordinating Council and former Regional Ministers. GRI

The Chronicle reports on its front page that a special forum on the Volta Region organised to identify development and investment potentials has taken place at Sogakope. The aim of the forum according to the Chronicle, was to identify both internal and external factors considered to be responsible for the lack of development and investment in the region and also suggest ways of overcoming such problems. The Chronicle says the forum, under the chairmanship of Professor Kofi Nyidevu Awoonor, a Minister of State, was attended by all Volta MPs, Ministers, former PNDC secretaries from the region, including Dr. Asamoah Tutu, Prof. Komla Amoako, Director of the National Theatre, Mr. Mawuli Tse of Africa-on-line, Dr. Charles Asembri, Commissioner of CEPS and all the 12 district chief executives. The Chronicle says the meeting identified some of the internal problems as lack of unity in the region as is manifested in the North-South dichotomy, apathetic attitude of well-placed citizens of the region in government and other high places towards the development of the region and lack of support from the Regional Coordinating Council and former Regional Ministers. GRI "Journalists should focus on analytical reports", is the back page headline of a story in the Chronicle. The story says instead of recapping official pronouncements and speeches read at public functions, journalists specialising on economic issues, should focus on analytical and informative reports, quoting Dr. Bonah Koomson, a Lecturer at the School of Communication Studies, University of Ghana, Legon, who was addressing a seminar for economic reporters in Accra at the weekend. Dr. Koomson, according to the Chronicle, said business and economic reporters should also resist the tendency of passing public relations stuff of companies as economic reports. They should also ensure adequate coverage of reports relevant to generate interest in opportunities available within that sector of the economy. GRI

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