
Summary Of Phone-Ins

Wed, 29 Oct 2003 Source: ISD


? It is good that the NPP government has opted for AngloGold. They know why they did that. The government should however be more concerned with the environment than the profit Ghana will derive from gold.

? Those who oppose the NPP government should not make false allegations about government’s decision to opt for AngloGold. Dzidzor should be careful with her statement. Can she substantiate her allegation that the government was bribed by AngloGold?

? Dzidzor should not see things as bad just because it is happening under the NPP regime. The NPP government had no hand in the selection of AngloGold. It was the Board of Directors of Ashanti Goldfields Corporation that chose AngloGold. The government only gave its support.

? I am happy to hear from government spokesperson, Kwabena Agyepong, that Ashanti has not been sold, but it is only a merger between it and AngloGold. The NPP government should not sell national properties, but rather find means to let them grow.

? I am an NPP activist, but the manner NPP officials and supporters cast insinuations against Prof. Evans Atta Mills is a shame to the government. As a former vice president, he has the right to voice out what is going wrong in the society.

? If it is true that the Central Regional Minister, Isaac Edumadze, has used abusive language against former Vice President Evans Atta Mills, then President Kufuor should take action against his minister. Edumadze has been in the news for misbehavior, but it is unfortunate that President Kufuor is still keeping him.


? Ghanaians have always prayed against the sale or divestiture of our national properties, so it is good that government spokesperson, Kwabena Agyepong, has clarified the AngloGold issue by stating it is not a sell-out but a merger.

? If the Central Regional Minister, Isaac Edumadze, could go all the way to insult the NDC flagbearer, Prof. Atta Mills, as a chamber pot, he should know that he has called the tune, so he and the NPP should be prepared to dance to it.

? Prof. Atta Mills has never and would never insult President Kufuor. He only addresses issues that affect our economy, and as a former vice president, he has every right to do that.

? While the Vice President, Alhaji Aliu Mahama, is calling for a campaign against indiscipline, his own men are hurling insults at the flagbearer of the NDC. Edumadze is not fit to be a Regional Minister.

? If Isaac Edumadze and a section of the NPP are going to engage in insulting behavior, then they should be prepared for the consequences. We of the NDC are also going to use the media to get at President Kufuor.

? Isaac Edumadze has disgraced his Vice President, Alhaji Aliu Mahama, who has launched a campaign against indiscipline. If Prof. Atta Mills is a chamber pot, we of the NDC will find a suitable name for his President.


? The government should investigate AngloGold’s environmental concerns before it is permitted to merge with Ashanti. These expatriates come down and mine our gold and leave the soil and trees they have felled unattended to.

? The problem telephone users are facing is as a result of the bad negotiations the NDC government entered in with Telecom Malaysia. No one should blame the NPP government for this problem.

? Government has realized that, since the NPP government came to power, President Kufuor has done well to put back the economy on track. Even though the NDC has criticized the NPP government for everything it does, those of us who have lived under bad governance before know the NPP is doing well.

? The government should not only be interested in making profits from gold mines. The reclaiming of lands should also be its major concern. The Environmental Protection Agency should play a supervisory role for the mining companies.

? It is good that the NPP government has constructed streets and drains at selected areas within the metropolis. The AMA has a responsibility to supervise the contractors working on these projects.

? These contractors dig up the drains and leave the soil on the roads making them inaccessible. After the completion of the projects the city engineer certifies its completion even though debris has been left on them, and portions have not been well done.

? The NDC has no business condemning the NPP for bad governance after they have left an economy without foundation after eight years of bad governance. The sharp increase in tariffs and prices of petroleum products is as a result of the mismanagement of the economy during the NDC rule.

? The NPP government is not selling its shares in Ashanti as the NDC is alleging. Ashanti is only merging with AngloGold to enable it improve upon its financial base.

? It was the NDC government that sold government shares in Ashanti and deducted workers’ salaries at source by selling two shares each to workers. Up till now Ghanaians have not seen anything good that has come out of this.


? The laws should deal drastically with rapists. Their current jail terms should be extended to serve as deterrent to would-be rapists.

? I want Hon. Ama Benyiwa Doe to know that President Kufuor does not fear VOA. President Kufuor is well read and he is not the sort of man who will run away from the VOA.

? The police should see to it that when a suspected thief is apprehended by the public, the suspect is handed over to them (the police) for a thorough investigation, rather than the public beating the suspect to death.

? The AMA authorities should see to that when the gutters and culverts in the city are desilted, the heaps of sand that are collected should not be left behind. The sand should be removed to avoid flooding.

? I am appealing to the media to investigate the murder reported at Buduburam and make the facts known to the public.

? Our health authorities must do something about the unprecedented breeding of mosquitoes in the Accra Metropolis. The mosquitoes are transmitting malaria to the public.

? The government should see to streamline the merger with AngloGold or RandGold for the betterment of the country.

Source: ISD