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Telephone facilities to be expanded

Tue, 8 Jul 2003 Source: GNA

Accra, July 8, GNA - Ghana Telecommunications is to expand its network to provide a minimum of 400,000 fixed lines by 2005 in order to extend telephone services to every town with a senior secondary school, teacher training college or university.

Under the conditions, many settlements in all districts would be covered as well as health centres, clinics and security installations to be served with the facility.

Mr David Gyewu, Deputy Minister of Communications, said this on Tuesday in Parliament when he stood in for the Minister to answer questions asked by members of the House.

Mr Norbert Awulley, NDC- Builsa South; on behalf of Mr M. A. Seidu, Wa Central, asked the Minister of Communications when telephone facilities would be extended to Lasia-Tuoli in the Wa District that had a senior secondary school.

The Deputy Minister said this was in line with the terms of agreement between Telenor Management Partner (TMP) of Norway and the government of Ghana.

Mr Gyewu said 33 telephone lines have been extended to some other major settlements outside the Wa Township since 1998 and since Lassia-Tuolu was within the Wa Exchange, it would be served by Radio (wireless) in the long term.

He said in the meantime, the use of wireless loop systems is being investigated for the provision of services to Lassia-Tuolu while the town would also benefit from the long-term solution much faster than anticipated.

The Deputy Minister in related development said this rollout expansion would facilitate the extension of telephone services to Nsutam, Saamang, Juaso, Abompe, Dwenease and Akyem Hemang from Osino. Mr Joe Gidisu, NDC- North Tongu on behalf of Mr Samuel Ofosu-Ampofo, NDC- Fanteakwa, had asked whether the Ministry would consider extending telecommunication services to cover Nsutam, Saamang, Juaso, Abompe, Dwemase and Akyem Hemang.

Mr Gyewu also said in terms with the agreement, the rollout programme would facilitate the extension of telephone services to Bosuso, Begoro and Ageikrom in the Fanteakwa Constituency.

The Deputy Minister was answering another question asked on behalf of Mr Ofosu-Ampofo, as to what steps the Ministry was taking to connect Bosuso, Bogoro and Ageikrom all in the Fanteakwa constituency to the National Telecommunication Grid.

Mr Gyewu said the company would also greatly increase its number of pay phones to enable many more customers to have access to telecommunication services in both the urban and rural areas.

Source: GNA