
The Ghana Chronicle

Tue, 24 Feb 1998 Source: --

The Chronicle in a front page story, says five days to the interment of Dr. Hilla Limann, his family has unveiled the official cloth for what the family call the "people's funeral" for the late President of the Third Republic. According to the paper, the name given to the cloth, "Mo mma me nnwu ansa" (Do not wait till I'm dead), is being interpreted as an apt innuendo against the government's politically-hyped decision to accord Dr. Limann a state burial, 17 years after its ingnominious treatment of the former President. GRI

The Chronicle in a front page story, says five days to the interment of Dr. Hilla Limann, his family has unveiled the official cloth for what the family call the "people's funeral" for the late President of the Third Republic. According to the paper, the name given to the cloth, "Mo mma me nnwu ansa" (Do not wait till I'm dead), is being interpreted as an apt innuendo against the government's politically-hyped decision to accord Dr. Limann a state burial, 17 years after its ingnominious treatment of the former President. GRI In another front page story, the paper says defence counsel in the on-going treason trial last week cited inhuman conditions in BNI cells and physical and psychological torture of their clients as their basis for objecting to their(clients) caution statements being tended in evidence.

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