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The State of the Nation Address (2012) that President Mills Should Give

Thu, 16 Feb 2012 Source: NPP

Madam Speaker,

Vice President,

Honourable Members of Parliament,

I have the honour to appear before you this morning to discharge the

constitutional mandate given to the President of the Republic of Ghana

to annually present a State of the Nation report to Parliament. Slowly

but surely 2012 is here with us.

Madam Speaker, last year when Parliament reconvened on the 26th of

January, you called on Honourable Members to be time conscious. At

the same time, I also called on my ministers to eschew politics of


I hope the Honourable Members heeded to your call. I can report that

my plea to my ministers seems to have fallen on deaf ears. Rojo Mettle

Nunoo, deputy minister of health, described nurses as stupid people

who are on probation. Kobby Akyeampong, who seems to excel in hurling

invectives, described our farmers as “kokoase nkurasefuo” and a former

Legon Hall mate of mine as “fruitcake.” Koku Anyidohu described

President Kuffuor in unprintable terms. His newspaper, the Informer,

has overtaken Daily Guide’s Akosua in the extremities of cartoons. And

our five deputy ministers of information have been successful in

calling Chairman Jerry Rawlings a mad dog with no purpose. Not even

chiefs have been spared in this ministerial insulting enterprise, as

the Volta Chiefs recently found out when they crossed the path of my

acid tongue ministers.

What disappoints me most is that people might tend to think I endorse

these insults. I do not. Indeed, I have warned these ministers

repeatedly privately and publicly. But they do not seem to take my

warnings seriously. I, therefore, leave it to the Almighty those who

call me “Nyaatwum” (hypocrite) and all sorts of bad names. I am not a

hypocrite. I do my very best.

Madam Speaker, I now pledge to give my ministers fresh warnings and

will continue praying for the insults to stop once and for all.

Insults don’t build nations.

Madam Speaker, I hereby declare that the 2011 action year was a

remarkable success. I intend to share with you and the honourable

members some of the highlights of our achievements, with emphasis on

education, housing, water, employment, corruption, security, war on

drugs, discipline, public sector wages, cost of living, rule of law

and the media.

In addition, Madam Speaker, the $3 billion Chinese loan will come to

fruition this year, allowing me to fulfill my campaign pledge of

hitting the ground running – waa-wa-waa-wa-waa-wa! So, in the name of

the Almighty, I am declaring this year the “Real Action Year (RAY)”

and will conclude my address with a 21 point plan. Did I hear my

friends on the other side heckling? What did we do with the $12

billion or so loans this House has approved? I am not aware of this

and I don’t know where the Minority is getting this information from.

I have to check with my Finance Minister. But, that is no reason to

doubt this $3bn Chinese loan and what it can do for our Better Ghana



Madam Speaker, as a former teacher myself, I know the pain and anguish

of parents when their children fail. I was, therefore, surprised to

learn that my tenure as President has witnessed a precipitous decline

in the pass-rate of students who sit for the Basic Education

Certificate Examination, resulting in 574,688 students failing the

BECE in the past three years, according to statistics released by the

West Africa Examination Council. The 2011 results of BECE students

have been the worst in 13 years, using 1998 as the base year, with

only 46.93% of students achieving a pass rate and thus being eligible

for placement into Senior High Schools. Out of the 375,280 students

who sat for the 2011 examination, only 176,128 passed their

examinations with the fate of 199,152 students left in their own


In 2010, 350,888 students sat for the examination with 172,359,

representing 49.12%, of students achieving a pass rate.

Madam Speaker, on a first glance, this might seem to be a disturbing

trend. However, a more careful analysis easily reveals that we are

being successful in swelling the ranks of footsoldiers and the

importance of this upsurge cannot be underestimated. We need to create

a new army of disciplined footsoldiers, whose loyalty can be

guaranteed, otherwise the nation risks returning to the period when

public toilets, NHIS offices and the like were being taken over by

uncontrolled footsoldiers.

Madam Speaker, due to the unexpected resignation of Mrs. Betty Mould

Iddrisu, as the minister of education, I am unable to present our

accomplishments at the SSS and Tertiary levels. I have asked the new

minister to compile and present this to you under a certificate of

urgency. But suffice it to say that we avoided a major strike by the

lecturers because of our meticulous migration of their salaries to the

Single Spine Platform. Fortunately, those who teach at the Medical

Schools are not classified as lecturers, under the civil service

structure, so their prolonged strike does not count against our


I will touch a little on the Single Spine. I am happy to announce that

even though my predecessor left us no woyomoney… pardon me, no womo…

no money, we have been able to migrate workers onto the single spine

salary structure. And, even though like the two previous budgets, this

year’s budget makes no adequate provisions to cater for outstanding

salary arrears, let alone pay them their new salaries in full, my

government deserves credit for taking the bold steps to migrate



Madam Speaker

Last year I had the pleasure to announce the cutting of the sod for

work to commence on construction of an initial 30,000 housing units

out of a total of 200,000 units to be completed in 5 years. As I

mentioned, the first phase of the 30,000 units was targeted at the

security agencies in all the 10 Regions in order to provide decent and

acceptable accommodation for our men and women in uniform.

Subsequently, all other categories of workers were also to benefit

from the increase in our housing stock. I also announced that STX

Korea and its partners were eager to leverage a special $1.5bn loan

for this project.

Madam Speaker, it is with even more pleasure that I report that the

sod cutting was extremely successful. I am sure you saw the pictures

in the Daily Graphic. As I speak, we are yet to lay the first brick.

But 2012, being the RAY, I expect all the 200,000 homes to be

completed before the December elections. Did I hear another heckling?

Yes, during that excellent university sod cutting ceremony earlier

last year, I urged the people of Brong Ahafo to rush and enroll at the

BA University last September. What was wrong with that? You have to

register your child at GIS three years in advance to get in. What is

good for the privileged few who go to GIS is good for the ordinary

people in Brong Ahafo.


Madam Speaker, significant progress is being made in the existing

water supply situation. Last year, I indicated that through rationing,

many parts of Accra now have access to water. We have made even more

progress this year by bringing Dodowa into the rationing pool. As a

result of the progress made, the University of Ghana can now count on

having water every Sunday morning. The New Achimota area remains a

challenge for us but in this RAY, we expect to extend the rationing to

this water-starved area.

I have instructed all district assemblies to present a Real Action

Plan for providing wells in the next decade. With continued prayers

and ration, the problem of water will likely become a problem of the



Madam Speaker, our massive infrastructure expansion plans in the areas

of housing, roads and railways, is opening up lots of job

opportunities for many categories of our labour force. Plans are far

advanced to bring those plans to feasibility. We created 1.5 million

phantom jobs in our first year alone – the year that government was

broke. So you can imagine how many more we have since created. The

opinion polls saying unemployment is the biggest issue are mere

propaganda. How can they be correct when we don’t have any reliable

data on unemployment? It is also an insult to many young men and women

who work hard selling on the streets. This RAY year, we will create an

additional 3 million. It is for this reason that I have assigned

Honorable E. T. Mensah to the Employment Ministry with Hon. Okudzeto

Ablakwa, serving as his Special Statistician.


Madam Speaker, one governance issue that will forever remain close to

my heart, is the fight against corruption.

As you may recall, under my directive, we implemented the policy of

renaming the Serious Fraud Office (SFO), the Economic and Organised

Crime Office (EOCO) with prosecutorial powers. When I presented the

State of the Nation address last year, there was a shocking expose of

corrupt activities and practices involving revenue collection at the

Tema Port. The year before there was a similar expose on cocoa

smuggling along the country’s borders.

Madam Speaker, although I have not had time to address these shocking

exposes, you should know that I have been busy engineering judgment

debt settlements to transfer funds from the treasury to notable

financial engineers, such as Alfred Agbesi Woyome and Waterville.

Indeed, Madam Speaker, in the three years that I have been office, it

is with pride that I announce that I have paid over GH?642 million in

judgment debts.

Madam Speaker, according to the Auditor General, the 2011 action year

saw serious action in financial irregularity with the level of

financial irregularity for 2011 at GH?1.72 trillion. This appears to

be unacceptable and is the highest level of irregularity since

independence. I hereby pledge to reduce this number to a more

tolerable number this RAY.


Madam Speaker, it is often said that justice delayed is justice

denied. I am extremely proud of what I have been able to do in

speeding up the delivery of justice. The classic demonstration of this

is the Woyome case, although the Waterville and Construction Pioneers

cases are also good examples. In the case of Woyome, I ordered my

Attorney General and the Finance Minister to ensure that the claims

made by Woyome against the Republic be settled without wasting too

much time to ascertain the veracity of his complaints. I find such due

diligence to be the major source of delays in our courts. I am proud

to announce that we paid Woyomne over GH?58 million within 2 months of

his lawsuit. This is a record! Yes, yes, I did say in 2009 that the

wheels of justice grind slowly but will eventually get to the

destination. We are deep inside the Better Ghana now.

Madam Speaker, I am also concerned about reports that we were a little

slow in effecting payments to Waterville, without the necessary due

diligence. Accordingly, I have directed the EOCO to prepare a report

indicating that everything we did was above board.

Madam Speaker, we will continue to find people, such as the Limping

man and Brazil Amankwaa, to get the country to talk about other

things, instead of Woyome and Waterville.


Madam Speaker, we are not taking lightly the potential threats of

armed robbery. I have ordered 5 aircrafts at a cost of $ GH?350

million chase armed robbers.

Madam Speaker, I remain very committed to find the killers of Ya-Naa

and Isa Mobilla. Accordingly, I am asking the Attorney General to set

up a new task force to investigate the disturbances that led to the

Andani and Abudu conflict several years ago. I have also asked the

National Security Coordinator to prepare a report explaining how

Private Goka, the accused murderer, escaped from military detention.

Late last year, I ordered the re-opening of investigations into serial

killing of woman which occurred in the period 1998-2000.That sad

chapter in our history will not be closed until we get to the bottom

of those serial killings. As soon as I get the report, I will act


Still on Security, Madam Speaker, fire outbreaks continue to cause

havoc throughout the county especially in the markets. As you are

aware, the Ridge residence of Chairman Rawlings was not even spared by

the raging fire. While thorough investigations by the Fire Service

have not identified the cause of these fires, I am appealing to the

citizens to quit smoking in their bedrooms. Also, please turn off the

lantern before going to bed.

During the action year of 2011, I asked District, Municipal and

Metropolitan Chief Executives to mount a serious check on violations

of regulations and bye-laws and remove unauthorized structures which

obstruct access to markets, drains and fire hydrants.

Public institutions are also expected to follow up on fire audit

reports and improve safety.

This year, The Fire service is expected to take delivery of a fairly

large number of fire-fighting engines and gear for its personnel.

Notwithstanding our efforts, the fires continue to burn.


Madam Speaker, when I stood before this House in my first year as

President, I pledged to wage a concerted and relentless war against

the drug menace.

Three years down the line, I can confidently say to the people of

Ghana that we have acquitted ourselves very well in this regard. I am

very proud to announce that for the first time, we have been able to

show that cocaine can metarmophosize into NAHCO3, in the presence of

the Police. We have arrested the limping man. We are winning the war

on drugs. We intend to do more to metamorphose more drugs into NAHCO3

with the over 5,000 drug detectors that we have ordered from Israel.


Madam Speaker, this is what I said last year “it is a fact that when

it comes to discipline on our roads, we cannot produce a script that

we can be proud of. We are constantly waking up to gory stories about

the carnage on our roads, and this cannot continue. We cannot continue

to sit and watch the wanton loss of precious lives.

I have given strict instructions to the Ghana police and other law

enforcement agencies to rigidly apply the appropriate sanctions in

dealing with all who fall foul of traffic laws, including my deputy

Interior Minister, Kobby Acheampong who insulted and jailed seven

policemen with the support of the IGP when they stopped him for

over-speeding. I have also instructed the Driver Vehicle Licensing

Authority (DVLA) to conduct an immediate review of processes for the


This is to ensure that we do not issue licenses to people who are not

qualified to have them.

The Attorney-General’s office is to review and strengthen legislation

to ensure drivers and owners of broken down vehicles that stay on the

roads and cause accidents death pay the price for it.”

Since nothing has changed, I need not change this line from last year!

Law and order and media

Madam-Speaker, all of us subscribe to the rule of law and free speech.

It is not enough to believe or proclaim, but rather to practice one’s

belief in an acceptable and peaceful manner.

Political stability is the gift of political discipline by all actors.

Those of us in leadership positions bear the heaviest burden in

ensuring that our actions and utterances do not incite people with

different views. The media has a huge responsibility in the effort we

must all make to encourage rational exchanges among reasonable people

with different views. Let us all keep one thing in mind; Just because

you have the right to say something does not mean you should say it.

Exercising good judgement is important. We must not always find fault

with other; sometimes it also helps to tell stories about Ghanaian

rising to the occasion.

Madam Speaker, I have warned the media and even my ministers to stop

the insults on the airwaves. They do not seem to want to listen. So

what I am doing now is to reward those who behave. I am setting aside

GH?10 million to be used to rent good-behaving media. Rented media

would be fed scripts from the Castle that are sanitized of all insults

before they can hit the air

A great illustration of the benefit from this enterprise is the recent

award winning reproduction of a 2008 report in the 2/15/2012 Daily

Graphic. They repeated the Amankwa story devoid of insults and

carefully replaced one letter from the passport number in the 2008

story. Kudos Graphic. You are rented!


Madam Speaker, I am confident that the challenges notwithstanding, the

policy choices and concrete development programme of this

Administration will raise Ghana to the next level with its promise of

a better Ghana.

Madam Speaker, we have built a solid foundation; we will build a solid

structure; and we will build a better Ghana.

Here is a list of 21 things that I will do in this RAY. You may have

seen them before but this time it is for real.

1. Review all public land sales to private persons

2. Find Ya-Naa killers

3. Find Mobilla killers

4. Flood Nsawam with NPP corrupt officials

5. Provide Korea homes for policemen by June 2012 and 100,000 STX

homes by December 2012

6. Ensure that my ministers do not engage in political insults

7. Build the Allied University in Hohoe

8. Build the Natural Resource University in Sunyani

9. Reduce the price of fuel mix for fishermen

10. Increase the working conditions for medical doctors (SSSS)

11. Fire inept ministers and ensure that 40% of ministers are females

12. Improve exam scores at BECE

13. Create massive employment for graduates

14. Create a Northern Development Fund

15. Reduce poverty

16. Reduce corruption

17. I will not appoint my brother and friends to Cabinet positions

19. Reduce the crime rate

20. Be a "Father to All."

21. The limping man will sing like a canary

May God continue to bless our homeland Ghana and make us great and strong.

I thank you for the opportunity, and I thank you for your kind attention.

Columnist: NPP