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The West on the March to Ghana!

Sat, 4 Aug 2007 Source: Boamah, Ebenezer

I mean Sikampoano – Why?

What are we seeing? All of a sudden Ghana has become a tourist centre for the leaders of the West. Within less than a month we are hosting three European leaders: first, the Swiss president; then Italian Mafioso was on her tail; and before the dust is yet to settle behind him, there follows the French Conman; and I would be the least to wonder if before this article is published the sly-de-slow Aussi Liar (Australian president) books his appointment from the Great South Land. What are we seeing and what are we hearing? The afore-mentioned are all very odd visitors, at least on the level of the presidency. And why are they visiting around this time in our history as Ghanaians? I would not have been surprised if they had reared their ugly heads some weeks earlier because I might have taken it for granted that they were coming to lend their support to the African Summit (in my dreams, with such an agendum as African Union government by the summit) since they are there even when we visit the washroom as Ghanaians and Africans, as if God has appointed them for our chaperons (I never seen any significant African gathering without a significant white faces). However, at this time in our national calendar, when there is nothing eventful going on, calls for an all-important scrutiny and reflection for such out of place visits in such an unnatural successive manner.

Why the Rush? I know some of our people are head-over-heels enthused by these western presidential visits because to them it is honor to our nation; while others have narrowly politicized it, that our current president is receiving more honor from our big brothers (as far as those are concerned) than the previous. Others see botched visits as indictments on the president and the ruling party (to that I say we are better off when those devils don’t come to defile our people and land).The true or false of the above should be our least concern as Ghanaians and Africans, who are endowed with both rich human and material resources as any other continent, if not more than, and yet live barely as humans, because we have taken no control of what is ours, and own destiny. The question again: what are these western presidents up to by flocking into our humble motherland, especially with such odd ones as mentioned above? After all, we are said to be the most backward people in the world, plagued with from HIV-AIDS, wars to everlasting famine. What has the upper-class West got to do with the low-life-African-scum of this world, except to ride on our tired-but-ever-ready backs? Those of you, who are observant, independent-minded and deep-thinking decipher are as correct as mine – OIL RUSH! The oil-crazed West are coming for the few drops of oil ( I’m sure your are not surprised that Bush and Brown did not lead the trail as you are aware their multi-nationals are already on the ground), which the good Lord has blessed us with after long years of constant supplications. Not that the Lord’s ears were hard to hear, but that we have failed over and over to be good stewards of the numerous resources He has so generously given us; and yet in the abundance of water, we as fools are parched to death!

What are our Leaders Doing? What are you doing for Ghana and the rest of African, our politicians – both government and opposition? Are you being flattered by these so-called ‘regional security and bilateral relation’ nonsense visits (did you hear when the Australian defense minister repented or rather was caught by Freudian slip admitted that they are in Iraq for oil) or you are busy devising means to recoup from these unscrupulous visitors what they have been stealing from us over the decades? Are you setting mechanisms in place to protect our oil as national asset or you are busy taking your cuts from the devil-cratic western capitalists, who cross the seas and the lands just to make one proselyte and make him son of Hell, even worse than themselves (read Matthew 23:15, such are most of you African leader – proselytes of the cruel West), and give the rest away on silver platters to these western con-governments, and leave your own kinsmen on empty stomachs? May the good Lord make anathemas forever, both the western bosses and you, the African stooge!!!

Conclusion Ghanaian and African leaders, fellow Ghanaians and Africans, let us forever be wary of Pharisaic western governments and capitalists, since this world is fallen the chance of them ever becoming ‘our development partners’ as some of us so naively believe and call them, is less than that of the camel going through the eye of the needle (If they truly were our ‘development partners’ they would have sent us at least some solidarity massages on our recent deliberation toward African Unity).

Let us all do our bit, a least to leave a better heritage for our posterity, if not for ourselves as well. Let us do whatever is good and necessary to retrieve and retain for Africans whatever is African. Let us keep check and balances on our leaders so that they do not become western proselytes. Let us pray for them so that not only their sanity be kept, but that they may love their own, us, with all their hearts, even as they may love God, to serve our general interest and their selfish interest and that of the cruel West. Let us ourselves be selfless toward our motherland and live in love and unity as one people made in the image of God with one destiny. God bless you; God bless Ghana; and God bless Africa.

Ebenezer Boamah (The author is a man of God whose mandate is to national interest of all spheres, because the spirit is not void of the flesh).

Views expressed by the author(s) do not necessarily reflect those of GhanaHomePage.

Columnist: Boamah, Ebenezer