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The dynamics of effective sales and marketing

Wed, 19 Aug 2009 Source: Hilda Asuman

Many companies globally are feeling the pinch of the credit crunch which has plunged global economies into a steep recession; as such, all companies are expected to employ creative survival strategies. Among such survival strategies is a sales and marketing strategy that achieves set targets in a most cost effective and sustainable fashion. It is an undeniable fact that successful marketing and sales are essential in any economic condition; however, it is even more essential in the current global economic climate which has significantly slashed the cash flow of consumers.

This has necessitated the need for many companies worldwide to invest huge chunks of their annual budgets on training and hiring of reliable marketing dream teams to spearhead promotions of their products with the view to boosting cash flow. It has been proven time without number that customer purchasing decisions are largely based on emotions formed about the product. Emotions clients are made to feel with the assistance of the marketer, coupled with a fantastic ultimate customer experience. In a sense, people management and presentation skills go a long way to closing a sale on first contact! If it were that simple; then why have many marketers failed to delight their clients and thus lose millions of Cedis annually?

The answer lies in the final ingredient of every company’s marketing mix---people! The kind of people who make up an organization’s marketing force can make or unmake a brand in no uncertain terms! As reiterated earlier, a client would make a purchase based on emotions and as such a marketer’s sole focus should be to play on these emotions to the advantage of his or her organization whiles stating clearly what the client stands to gain and not merely selling features.

Quite a significant chunk of the corporate world find out however, that their sales and marketing efforts keep bouncing off the wall as it were, and not achieving the intended purpose in view of a host of other factors summed up into one broad framework---Square Pegs in Round Holes! What many employers refuse to appreciate is the fact that each employee is unique and has the potential to exceed productivity expectations only when the characteristics of their jobs do not conflict with who they really are. In a recent study, it was identified that almost seventy (70) percent of employees in the corporate world were experiencing “falsification of Type” (working in areas they are inherently weak at). There is need for employees; especially in the sales and marketing force to know what their strengths and weaknesses are, how to manage their shortcomings whiles accommodating other temperaments, and above all identify what gives them the needed energy to approach clients with the sole aim of closing a sale.

It is thus no wonder that approximately seventy percent of America’s most successful companies in the top five hundred companies resort to a reliable personality assessment like the Myers Briggs Personality assessment tool [MBTI®] in the assessment of employees to help boost communication and productivity. In recent years, many companies in Ghana have begun appreciating the importance of personality testing with the MBTI® assessment as part of employee training and development. Such companies have benefitted immensely from improved internal and external communications, increased sales, and a productive and profitable business. Gone were the days when it was thought that only smooth talkers were good sales people! Effective Marketing and sales is from within. Blanket training programs on marketing and sales are no longer enough to keep companies afloat in these robust economic times; a more inside out approach is essential for success.

By: Hilda Asuman Pmi First Consults Email:

Source: Hilda Asuman