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Traditionalists raid church

Thu, 4 Jun 2009 Source: GNA

Accra, June 4, GNA - An academic, Reverend Prof. Frank Kumaga, Associate Professor in Crop Science, University of Ghana, is the new resident pastor of the Ashongman Global Evangelical Church. Until his transfer to the Ashongman branch of the Church, Rev Prof. Kumaga was the parish pastor at the Mamprobi branch of the church. However, a church service last Sunday held at Ashongman to commemorate Rev Prof Kumega's induction turned sour when three men entered the hall to enforce the traditional ban on drumming and noise-making.

They crept into the church during praises and worship and seized some of the musical instruments from the band, accusing the church of breaching the ban on drumming which was due to end on Thursday, June 04.

This resulted in a scuffle between the church members and the macho men whose action was reportedly ordered by the Ga Traditional Council. Calm was restored later after elders of the church promised the macho men that they would stop using the drums until the ban was lifted. In a sermon, Rev Michael Akiti, Deputy Accra Presbytery Chairman of the Church, said religious leaders must allow democratic principles to prevail in the selection of office holders, especially in charismatic churches most of which do not have established rules of succession. He told the congregation to have confidence in their leaders in order to prevent conflicts.

"The churches you see as big are those that are sponsored through advertisements and expensive radio and TV programmes. Pray for your pastors and stop chasing miracles," he said. Rev. Prof. Kumaga reaffirmed his commitment to lead the Church to higher heights in the realization of the congregation's spiritual and physical needs.

Source: GNA