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Trust & Confidence In NPP Govt: The People's Voice

Sun, 29 Sep 2002 Source:

1107 Ghanaweb visitors took part in a poll held from Sept. 23-27

Question: How much trust & confidence do you have at this time in the Executive branch headed by the President

Great Deal31.5%
None at All27.6%
Not very Much18.8%
Fair Amount15.9%
No Opinion2.5%

Unedited Comments From Some of our Visitors

How can I trust & have confidence in a government that prefers parties, banquets, flashy cars and renovations of mansions to welfare for its own people. If the NPP government is asking the people to sacrifice because we are broke, then we should all suffer. Why are they buying $60,000 pajeros, $300,000 bullet-proof cars, spending $5million on renovating private houses and $500,000 on foreign travels monthly? Only those gaining from this govt will have trust in it. It's a shameful govt.
--Kwame Wayo@Ministry of Finance

So far so good. I believe the government is performing an excellent job. He should keep it up.

Trust $ confidence is not something that can be bought with money and as such ghanaian politicians in general should consider the situation of ghanaians today and compare it with the time when ghana was under the man in uniform and judge them selves

Still operating in the shadows of the NDC. 2 years down and little of the many election promises
--Dan Asempa

The executive branch/president are doing a lot for Ghana. I think they need to be given a chance. 4 years is not enough to fix 20 years of damage.
--Kofi Darkow

Current development indicate there are some learning taking place as some old practices prevail. I have been stuned by the temporary relaxation of the rt. hand vehicles rule to enable their 'cronies' to take in those rt. hand drive buses. Am I being cynical?

They are on the right track with ghana's economy and practising the real democratic government. "the government by the people for the people" thank you.

They have done less than they said they will do. I can't take them by their words any more and they are not any better than the NDC. Infact they are worse.
--John Kojo

The executive branch has proven to be very friendly to us all.
We have seen more transparency than it used to be under NDC.
Freedom of speech is EXCELLENT-
No Odartey Wellington (breakfast show) incident anymore.

--samuel osene

If in less than two years of NPP coming into office as the peoples choice only 34 percent of Ghanaians still have great deal of trust for thegovernment, then NPP watch out for your immediate exit. it looks eminent. Why could'nt you keep the trust Ghanaians gave you? All the sympathies that brought the NPP to power is no more. It is the time for relities, no more promises, we want food on our tables as you promised us. No food no vote come Dec. 2004
--Evans C Amoakoh

The so called democracy that we are talking about in Ghana at the moment is a sham. The present administration has always used the Rawlings era as a basic indicator for the measurement and evaluation of its performance. But the truth is that that is wrong. Rawlings had no good record. So Kuffour and is people should be clear with their policies on where they are taking Ghana to. At the moment, like all politicians, they are thinking about how to win the next elections rahter than thinking of what they can do for the poor, disadvantaged in our socieity, and the ordinary people in Ghana.

They better get up and do something before they get voted out of office. TA htis poitn they have no excuse. They wanted it they had it and they have to set the ball rolling.

The leaders of ghana are doing their best, but they are failing due to the simple fact that they want to run before the crawl. Its sad how all our valuable talent such as myself and other young men and women from Ghana just keep using our expertise to enrich the first world countries such as USA etc. We have doctors,engineeers, lawyers, businessmen, etc that can and will help if we are presented with choices at home.
I pray that one day our leaders will realise that all it takes is using the few resourses we have at home and stop chasing after aid which they end up spending on themselves. Its no use waiting and scarificing all their time and energy just to get a few million dollars which cannot do much with. Its plain simple, until the ordinary citizen of Ghana cannot make ends meet, neither will the country as a whole do likewise.

--kofi webb

They are a bunch of theives ready to steal our money into foreign lands. I have never trusted the executive

As far as the governing of the country is concern, the NPP might not have done the best, but at least it is far better than the (P)NDC's 20 year rule. More over, aside these two parties, there aren't any potential third contender. What else can one do than to have trust and confidence in the best. Let's hope they better focus
--Isaac Dankyi-Koranteng

My confidence has waned with time because an 'often out of the country president' can not certainly exude confidence in the handling of national issues. I suspect that he does not know much about a lot of developments in the country.
Meanwhile I must say that the country is so lucky that the Ivorian case has taught him a lesson. In Ghana it would have been a different story. Though I know the president might not be aware of all these plots he should be wary because some of his big shots will pray it happened in Ghana. Let's protect one another and have a stable nation that will continue to blaze the trail in Africa.

I trust the president and the NPP government in the micro-economic programme and the spirit of democracy in Ghana today even though I am not a member of the party.
There is now at least the respect for the office of the executive because the president respect the ordinary Ghanaian.
The economy is still not in shape because of the systematic and intentional destruction of Ghana economy by the P/NDC regime. The concern of Rawlings and his party members were their personal interest, security and comfort. I also trust and have confidence in the people President Kuffour has assembled into his cabinet, especially Dr. Nduom and Major Quashigah who are there to help and not to be helped.

--Kwabena osei

Well, they've hardly done anything to improve the life of the ordinary Ghanaian who voted them into power. They keep emphasising on the fact that they've effected freedom of speech. The question however is 'What the hell is freedom of speech to the ordinary Ghanaian?'

I think that since the youth of present Ghana still can tell what the future has for them then we are still in a very deep pit strugling to come to the surface before we can move foreward
--wilfred oduro marfo

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1107 Ghanaweb visitors took part in a poll held from Sept. 23-27

Question: How much trust & confidence do you have at this time in the Executive branch headed by the President

Great Deal31.5%
None at All27.6%
Not very Much18.8%
Fair Amount15.9%
No Opinion2.5%

Unedited Comments From Some of our Visitors

How can I trust & have confidence in a government that prefers parties, banquets, flashy cars and renovations of mansions to welfare for its own people. If the NPP government is asking the people to sacrifice because we are broke, then we should all suffer. Why are they buying $60,000 pajeros, $300,000 bullet-proof cars, spending $5million on renovating private houses and $500,000 on foreign travels monthly? Only those gaining from this govt will have trust in it. It's a shameful govt.
--Kwame Wayo@Ministry of Finance

So far so good. I believe the government is performing an excellent job. He should keep it up.

Trust $ confidence is not something that can be bought with money and as such ghanaian politicians in general should consider the situation of ghanaians today and compare it with the time when ghana was under the man in uniform and judge them selves

Still operating in the shadows of the NDC. 2 years down and little of the many election promises
--Dan Asempa

The executive branch/president are doing a lot for Ghana. I think they need to be given a chance. 4 years is not enough to fix 20 years of damage.
--Kofi Darkow

Current development indicate there are some learning taking place as some old practices prevail. I have been stuned by the temporary relaxation of the rt. hand vehicles rule to enable their 'cronies' to take in those rt. hand drive buses. Am I being cynical?

They are on the right track with ghana's economy and practising the real democratic government. "the government by the people for the people" thank you.

They have done less than they said they will do. I can't take them by their words any more and they are not any better than the NDC. Infact they are worse.
--John Kojo

The executive branch has proven to be very friendly to us all.
We have seen more transparency than it used to be under NDC.
Freedom of speech is EXCELLENT-
No Odartey Wellington (breakfast show) incident anymore.

--samuel osene

If in less than two years of NPP coming into office as the peoples choice only 34 percent of Ghanaians still have great deal of trust for thegovernment, then NPP watch out for your immediate exit. it looks eminent. Why could'nt you keep the trust Ghanaians gave you? All the sympathies that brought the NPP to power is no more. It is the time for relities, no more promises, we want food on our tables as you promised us. No food no vote come Dec. 2004
--Evans C Amoakoh

The so called democracy that we are talking about in Ghana at the moment is a sham. The present administration has always used the Rawlings era as a basic indicator for the measurement and evaluation of its performance. But the truth is that that is wrong. Rawlings had no good record. So Kuffour and is people should be clear with their policies on where they are taking Ghana to. At the moment, like all politicians, they are thinking about how to win the next elections rahter than thinking of what they can do for the poor, disadvantaged in our socieity, and the ordinary people in Ghana.

They better get up and do something before they get voted out of office. TA htis poitn they have no excuse. They wanted it they had it and they have to set the ball rolling.

The leaders of ghana are doing their best, but they are failing due to the simple fact that they want to run before the crawl. Its sad how all our valuable talent such as myself and other young men and women from Ghana just keep using our expertise to enrich the first world countries such as USA etc. We have doctors,engineeers, lawyers, businessmen, etc that can and will help if we are presented with choices at home.
I pray that one day our leaders will realise that all it takes is using the few resourses we have at home and stop chasing after aid which they end up spending on themselves. Its no use waiting and scarificing all their time and energy just to get a few million dollars which cannot do much with. Its plain simple, until the ordinary citizen of Ghana cannot make ends meet, neither will the country as a whole do likewise.

--kofi webb

They are a bunch of theives ready to steal our money into foreign lands. I have never trusted the executive

As far as the governing of the country is concern, the NPP might not have done the best, but at least it is far better than the (P)NDC's 20 year rule. More over, aside these two parties, there aren't any potential third contender. What else can one do than to have trust and confidence in the best. Let's hope they better focus
--Isaac Dankyi-Koranteng

My confidence has waned with time because an 'often out of the country president' can not certainly exude confidence in the handling of national issues. I suspect that he does not know much about a lot of developments in the country.
Meanwhile I must say that the country is so lucky that the Ivorian case has taught him a lesson. In Ghana it would have been a different story. Though I know the president might not be aware of all these plots he should be wary because some of his big shots will pray it happened in Ghana. Let's protect one another and have a stable nation that will continue to blaze the trail in Africa.

I trust the president and the NPP government in the micro-economic programme and the spirit of democracy in Ghana today even though I am not a member of the party.
There is now at least the respect for the office of the executive because the president respect the ordinary Ghanaian.
The economy is still not in shape because of the systematic and intentional destruction of Ghana economy by the P/NDC regime. The concern of Rawlings and his party members were their personal interest, security and comfort. I also trust and have confidence in the people President Kuffour has assembled into his cabinet, especially Dr. Nduom and Major Quashigah who are there to help and not to be helped.

--Kwabena osei

Well, they've hardly done anything to improve the life of the ordinary Ghanaian who voted them into power. They keep emphasising on the fact that they've effected freedom of speech. The question however is 'What the hell is freedom of speech to the ordinary Ghanaian?'

I think that since the youth of present Ghana still can tell what the future has for them then we are still in a very deep pit strugling to come to the surface before we can move foreward
--wilfred oduro marfo

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