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University Students To Pay ?16m Fees

Wed, 5 Mar 2003 Source: THE INSIGHT

As from the 2003/2004 academic year, all fresh students of the University of Ghana, Legon, whose grades fall below aggregate 14 will be made to pay ?16 million as their tuition per semester. The new cut-off point of aggregate 14, down from the 2002/3 academic year’s aggregate 16, is intended to allow more fresh students to pay full cost.

Dr Adam Nasser, a lecturer at the University who made this known at a forum organized by the Socialists Forum of Ghana in Accra, described the new cut-off point scheme as discriminatory and unrealistic. ''This is a deliberate attempt to produce elitist education. This means university education is going to be the prerogative of the rich in this country and this is against natural law,'' he lamented.

The SFG is an informal grouping of men and women who have come together to offer a critique of the dominant neo-liberal world view and then derive approaches to social organization and development.

The Press Secretary to the President, Kwabena Agyepong blamed Ghanaian intellectuals for not being able to find a lasting solution to the country’s woes. ''It is high time they stopped the criticism and came out with a policy framework that would bring a lasting solution to education''.

As from the 2003/2004 academic year, all fresh students of the University of Ghana, Legon, whose grades fall below aggregate 14 will be made to pay ?16 million as their tuition per semester. The new cut-off point of aggregate 14, down from the 2002/3 academic year’s aggregate 16, is intended to allow more fresh students to pay full cost.

Dr Adam Nasser, a lecturer at the University who made this known at a forum organized by the Socialists Forum of Ghana in Accra, described the new cut-off point scheme as discriminatory and unrealistic. ''This is a deliberate attempt to produce elitist education. This means university education is going to be the prerogative of the rich in this country and this is against natural law,'' he lamented.

The SFG is an informal grouping of men and women who have come together to offer a critique of the dominant neo-liberal world view and then derive approaches to social organization and development.

The Press Secretary to the President, Kwabena Agyepong blamed Ghanaian intellectuals for not being able to find a lasting solution to the country’s woes. ''It is high time they stopped the criticism and came out with a policy framework that would bring a lasting solution to education''.