
Volta Regional MUSIGA wants elections re-run

Sat, 9 Jun 2012 Source: GNA

Members of the Volta Regional branch of the Musicians Union of Ghana (MUSIGA) have called on the National Executive of the Union to declare the Regional Elections held on May 30, null and void.

They asked the National Executive to re-run the elections within 10 days for peace to prevail in the Union explaining that, the earlier election was marred with “gross manipulations and irregularities.”

Apart from the posts of Regional Chairman and Treasurer, candidates for the other posts stood unopposed.

A protest letter signed by Mr. Wisdom Amegayibor, Welfare Officer of the Union and Mr. Francis Dogbatse, Secretary and copied to the GNA, alleged that a contestant for the post of Regional Chairman had not paid his nomination fee but was allowed to contest at the polls.

It also alleged that observers from MUSIGA Headquarters also voted in the election contrary to article 39, clause 1 of MUSIGA Constitution, which states that, “Regional members shall elect their executives or approve their appointment, in consultation with the Executive Council.”

The letter therefore described the participation of observers from the Headquarters in the local elections as unconstitutional.

“The National Delegates hardly know the candidates and their capabilities and their judgment cannot reflect the true opinion of members from the Region about the contestants, and are apt to distort electoral decisions,” it said.

The letter said Musicians had suffered a lot of set-backs in the Region and would not allow important exercise such as the Regional elections to destroy their attempts at regaining a sound foothold in the music industry.**

Source: GNA