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WAGPco resumes gas supply to Ghana in days

Gas Pipe

Fri, 5 Jul 2013 Source: radioxyzonline

Nigeria will resume “gas supply to Ghana in the coming days,” according to Ghana’s Energy and Petroleum Minister Kofi Boah.

Mr. Boah says the ruptured West African Gas Pipeline (WAGPco) which resulted in an acute shortage of gas to Ghana to power the 200 Megawatt Sunon-Asogli power plant, has been repaired, and the operators are ready to resume gas supply.

Kofi Boah made the announcement when he addressed Journalists on Thursday at the “meet the press series” in Accra.

The destruction of the pipeline in August last year plunged the country into a power crisis resulting in a long-drawn load shedding regime.

WAGPco’s resumption of gas supply to Ghana will expectedly restore 200 megawatts to the current generation capacity and mitigate the load shedding exercise.

The Energy Minister also says the Government is undertaking “aggressive” measures to ensure Ghana becomes energy sufficient.

Source: radioxyzonline