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WASSCE 2020: Integrated science and matters arising

Presec Wassce Students sitting for an exam

Wed, 5 Aug 2020 Source: Richard Kwasi Anim

I have seen snippets of outrageous amateur videos of students in the ongoing 2020 West African Senior School Certificate Examination.

In almost all of those videos, the outrage is centered on but one issue "they have been deceived by the government because the compiled past questions and answers provided them were not replicated in their exams."

Much as this may be read from certain lenses, I dare say students must be responsible for their success or failure in examination. You cannot be provided education at the expense of the taxpayer and still expect the state to provide you with examination questions ahead of time just so you can pass.

Examinations serve as a feedback mechanism to determine the learning outcomes of students, their readiness for the next level of education and their preparedness for a profession among others. Like in an elimination game, success is determined by how hard one prepares for the actual exam or as some put it, by sheer luck.

Worrying in those videos is the allegations by some students purporting to have paid monies ranging from GH¢1,500 to GH¢2,000 which proved to be a bad investment from the outcome of the Integrated Science paper taken on Monday, August 3, 2020. The questions worthy of asking at this point are; who did these students pay the money to? What was the purpose of the said payments if the cost of their education is at the expense of the taxpayer? Were the payments meant to soften the grounds for students to either be aided or supplied with questions and or answers? Are their teachers and examination supervisors complicit in this grand scheme to cheat in the examination?

Some students were also seen shouting, calling the president Mr. Akufo-Addo for "deceiving" them. With all due respect I don't see how the president has deceived our brothers and sisters in their final year. The president is not a teacher and has never been a teacher. If even he is, he can only teach a subject and that will obviously not be integrated science. How then can students' non-performance be blamed on the president?

Yes it is true the president has referred to them as the "Akufo-Addo graduates" but that does not mean you should be lazy and expect to pass. Akufo-Addo graduates means work hard, be competitive, lift your confidence and pass well.

Another perspective this issue can be looked at from is perhaps premised on earlier speculations on leaked examination questions which the WAEC has come out to deny knowledge of in a press release. Could it be that WAEC changed the questions because their cover was blown? Will the trend remain the same or in subsequent papers, WAEC will be coerced by the powers that be to supply the questions students already have foreknowledge of? What then happens to passing exams on merit?

It is about time these students sit up and learn for the subsequent papers. At least there is still time although not enough but they can still make amends and make grades. They can raise their shoulders high and be proud to declare they were made from their own efforts.

If the cost of our Student's education is absorbed let it not be said that it's quality too is absorbed. You cannot eat your cake and have it.

The son of a common man with common sense.

Columnist: Richard Kwasi Anim