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Watch Haruna Iddrisu score sublime penalty in a football game at Aliu Mahama Sports Stadium

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Mon, 13 Mar 2023 Source:

Haruna Iddrisu, the Member of Parliament for Tamale South is known to be one of the foremost Ghanaian political figures but little is known about his footballing abilities.

The closest one will come to creating a correlation between Haruna Iddrisu and football is his ownership of two football clubs – Karela United which he recently acquired and Steadfast Football Club.

But a video has popped up that perhaps gives some evidence of the footballing talents of the former minority leader.

In the video sighted by GhanaWeb, Haruna Iddrisu takes time of his busy political duties to enjoy some football at the Tamale Stadium.

With a top-left-corner finish, Haruna Iddrisu gave his side the lead.

The lawmaker has consistently advocated for the growth of Ghana football with calls on the government and the Ghana Football Association to implement policies that will develop the sport.

In aftermath of the 2021 AFCON where the team came under attack for poor performances, Haruna Iddrisu called for calm and urged the government and the FA to focus on the growing grassroots football.

Watch Haruna Iddrisu score sublime penalty in a football game at Aliu Mahama Sports Stadium

