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Who is making mockery of the Creator of the Universe?

Fri, 9 Oct 2015 Source: Seshie, Stanley

The Believer or Unbeliever of a Holy Book

By Seshie, Stanley

I read an article "Who are using the true bible? Catholics or

Protestants". It was written by Apostle Kwamena Ahinful, and published

on Tuesday, 29th, 2015 on He narrated the lead up to his

piece of how three men were engaged in a heated debate about the

Catholic bible that contained eighty-one different books as being the

true one or not, against the mainstream bible, containing sixty-six

books. From all indications, it is clear that the disagreement was

centered on the spiritual value and implications of the additional

fifteen books found in the Catholic version which is absent in the

non-catholic versions. Probably, according to the non-catholic in the

debate, this, like many things, will provoke the wrath of the biblical

deity, Jealous Hovah (Jehovah). Apostle Kwamena Ahinful concluded that

the sacred apocrypha books were worthy of inclusion in the whole array

of christian scripture and literature and hence the Catholics are

using the true bible. Far from any misconception, he does not mean

that non-Catholics are using the false bible.

Reading the article, I asked myself if there is the need for that

ensued debate at all in this generation of sustainable factual

knowledge. In that regard, this article is not about the spiritual

value and justifiable inclusion of the apocrypha books in the

mainstream bible resulting into the Catholic version thereof or not.

It is about the fundamental assumption that there is a book written

(literaly or inspired) by the Creator of this Universe. It is to

question that unsupported, unstated substratum necessitating the

disagreement, that the Creator of the Universe wrote the books making

the bible. In fact, it is to question all those encyclopedia of

superstition and expressed ignorance-filled books with scattered

uncertain moral precepts called holy books that claim authorship by

the Creator of this Universe. Finally, it is to ask, who is really

making mockery of the Creator, is it the believer or unbeliever of

these holy books. Let us move on.

What is a book? Is there any one collection of books that describe the

architecture of the Universe, the number of habitable spots and

creatures therein? Is there any one collection of books detailing how

the Universe works and the instructions to follow to make the maximum

use of it to our collective benefits as creatures? In sum, is there

any one collection of books that can reasonably be believed as

truthfully authored by the Creator as Manual for the Universe? The

only way to answer these questions is first to appreciate the

invaluable role of the invention of WRITING. As the existence of a

book of any kind is impossible in the absence of writing.

As a creature, Man is conscious of his limitations and mortality. And

above all, Man is conscious that he is a FORGETFUL BEING. Meanwhile,

like all creatures man equally reproduce and interact with the world.

Our interactions with the world result in the acquisition of

knowledge. This knowledge helps in coping with the complex world full

of existential challenges. Yet, when one dies, and no matter how

useful the acquired knowledge is, it is lost forever as the dead

neither talks nor ever comes back to life to teach us their acquired

knowledge. The oral medium was intrinsically and largely inefficient.

The realization of this self-evident truth behooves humanity to find

means of retaining any acquired knowledge.

The invention of WRITING fundamentally solved that seemingly

insurmountable problem of how to retain the acquired knowledge.

Writing, essentially gives humanity the verisimilitude and power of

unforgettability since it guarantees referencing. At least, at this

point we can now describe what a book is. A Book is meant for the

preservation and propagation of the acquired knowledge of the time, to

people in and beyond the immediate environment and generation. For

simplicity sake, let us say a book is good if the makeup ideas,

constituting the prevailing knowledge on the subject are of relevance

in that generation. And verily better if some of its ideas remain

crucial to subsequent generations. A reason to admit that no book is

absolutely useless.

Nevertheless, a book contains and proclaims the prevailing knowledge

of its generation, whether in its rudimentary or refined state, as the

unshakable fact. Meanwhile, since Man is inherently limited in his

interactions with the Universe at all times, therefore can never KNOW

all at once, subsequent generations usually find some of the

proclaimed "unshakable facts" as misrepresentations, fictions,

outright lies and falsities. In other words, the next generation

always find something amiss about the prevailing thoughts of the past

generations handed down via books. There is no known book immune from

this self-evident truth. Even books written in 21st century are not.

That is why updating books in the light of current knowledge is very

crucial if close-to-truthful knowledge is what one wishes to

disseminate. For instance, if anyone in this 21st generation still

believes that human blood sacrifice save lives, then such a person is

shockingly ignoring all medical knowledge of blood. In other words

blood sacrifice to Jealous Hovah or Allah and other similar Deities as

practiced in the past and handed down via these holy books to us are

false and pure superstition. These "unshakable facts" of generation

can reasonably and demonstrably be debunked as falsities and lies with

contrary evidences in our own. The Bible, Quran, Veda and other

ancient manuscripts claiming divine authorship are replete with these

claimed "facts of generation" but not of the Universe. It is

impossible for the Creator of this Universe to pass on a knowledge

that would later found to be false and pure lie in all practical and

theoretical considerations. And they are indeed false and outright

lies stemming from the understandable temporary ignorance of that

generation. That is knowledge of man and man only. Whilst others will

certainly find ours in the coming generations, we can equally use the

wisdoms of the ancient world to expose the myopic nature of some of

very cherished modern knowledge.

Well, believers usually mount defenses like these are religious books.

By that, they mean just like a science book where you read about

science, mathematics in mathematics books, economics in economic book,

and so forth, you read religious things in holy books. Yes, in holy

books you read holy things like talking snake, talking donkey (Disney

Channel) forbidden fruit ( nonexistent), bloodless vegetables

sacrifices to please and beg God for sins of men (useless) and animal

blood sacrifices to please and beg God for sins of men (twice

useless). Also human blood sacrifice to please and beg God for sins of

men (horrific and thrice useless), God sacrificed for God to please

and beg God for sins of men (horrific and forever useless) and killing

other human beings because they are not children of Jealous Hovah or

Allah, so must be made at all cost else Jealous Hovah or Allah put

them in hell as well as other exclusionist hence divisive teachings.

Of course, I have not forgotten about love your neighbour as yourself,

feed the poor, help the needy among others.

Remember no book is entirely useless. So the immediate teachings are

good and worthy of emulation. Nonetheless, reading those laudable

teachings in an ocean of conflicting teachings reveals and confirms

the human origin of the holy books, defeating their manual claims as

from the Creator of the Universe. What a holy book. What a holy manual

where love-oriented teachings for unity are dwarfed by hate-oriented

teachings for division attached to the Universe by the Creator. No

wonder the Mideast is the most peaceful place on Earth as the children

of Jealous Hovah and Allah are reflecting the true teachings of their


Talking of manuals, in our technological world almost everyone is

conversant with manual of a particular electrical device. A manual

reveals not only the beauty of the machine and its intricate working

instructions, but also and more importantly the intelligence of the

maker. In the same vein, the immensurable Universe reveals nothing

than the intelligence in its architecture and working via its

instructions (laws of nature), and one expects the same intelligence

to permeate its Manual, if there is one. Any disparity in the

intelligence revealed in the Universe and, that of a book claiming to

be its Manual calls into question the claim. A question that should

not just be washed away for fear of hell or faith in heaven, two

non-existent places, though.

To believe any of these books as the Manual attached to this Universe

by the Creator is to ignore the understandable expressed ignorance and

superstitious claims saturating them as well as denying the

possibility of ever being exposed to new factual knowledge in the

succeding generations. It is not the unbelievers of these so-called

Manuals that are making mockery of the Creator. It is the believers of

these paltry, superstition and ignorance-filled as well as bloody

books called Bible, Quran, Veda and other holy books. Therefore, the

belief that the Bible (whether Catholic or Non-Catholic version) or

Quran or any other is authored by the Creator as Manual attached to

the Universe is nothing than Society's Commonly Approved Myth called



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Columnist: Seshie, Stanley