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Your blatant corruption, appetite for borrowing has unleashed hardship on Ghanaian - Apaak to Akufo-Addo

19465515 Dr. Clement Apaak, Member of Parliament for Builsa South

Wed, 14 Dec 2022 Source:

Dr. Clement Apaak, Member of Parliament for Builsa South, says that every Ghanaian recognizes that there is hardship and excruciating pain. However, the current hardship, he bemoaned, was the result of the Nana Addo-led administration’s incompetence.

He stated that in his over 50 years on the planet, he has never witnessed such hardship in Ghana’s history.

Nobody, he claims, can deny that we are living in the most difficult period in our country’s history.

The lawmaker explained that when you know you have a situation at hand and improve the conditions of the people as expected of every government, you need to build a broad-based consensus from the onset in an effort to address the issues.

Dr. Apaak said the Minority had consistently advised the government to organize a stakeholders forum just like the NDC did in 2014 to carry the people along and had a blueprint that the party took to the IMF.

He also described how the government downplayed all of the challenges and sought to undermine experts’ opinions before turning around and calling for help now, saying, “you cannot expect us to take you at your word.”

For him, it is rather late in the day for the government since it ignored all the expert views from economists within their party and outside their party.

Dr. Apaak further posited that the situation is dire not because of the global challenges or exogenous factors they had sought to use to cover up their inefficiencies and incompetencies.

The lawmaker insisted on how we blame Covid-19 and Russian-Ukraine war without identifying what had gone wrong within.

Dr. Apaak added that Covid-19 was an opportunity that made the government raise more money and resources, saved some, and used it to construct a bank, and therefore could not have caused our economic woes.

He said Ghana is witnessing hardship because of the government’s excessive and insatiable appetite to borrow.

He noted that the government had borrowed excessively, and gained more from oil revenue but had nothing to show for it.

Borrowing, mismanagement, and an elephant-sized government are also among the issues confronting the country.

He also stated that it is insulting for the government to hire over 1,500 people to work at the presidency despite the announcement to freeze civil service recruitment.

”We are where we are due to gross mismanagement, blatant corruption, and disregard for laid down laws.”
